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Quick and easy CLI inference that just works™ for a variety of Diffusers models


  • Verified working across many models
    • Stable Diffusion (1.5/2.1)
    • Stable Diffusion XL Base
      • No refiner
    • Stable Diffusion 3
    • Stable Cascade
    • Wuerstchen
    • Kandinsky22
    • Pixart (Alpha/Sigma)
    • Hunyuan
    • Kolors
    • AuraFlow
    • Other Diffusers format models will likely work to varying degrees
  • Multi-lora fusion using peft for minimal performance loss
  • Extremely small 1-shot script using accelerate for hot loading models
  • Features all of the most common generation parameters
  • Includes many advanced generation parameters such as latent augmentation
  • Iterate over most parameters and create grids
  • Expand prompts with photo of {all|of|these} or photo of [one|of|these]
  • Load settings from JSON, TOML, PNG
  • Targeted AMD/ROCm optimizations
    • NVIDIA/CUDA does not need additional optimizations

Not Including

  • ControlNet + other Stable Diffusion extensions
  • Multi-stage models: DFIF Stage 2, SDXL Refiner
  • Server/API for a perpetual instance
  • 100% maximum throughput
  • 1-click installer
  • MacOS/MPS and Intel OneAPI may not function properly


This project only supports pip based installs on Python 3.11+

Basic setup

> git clone
> cd ./quickdif/

Create a venv in the quickdif folder

> python3 -m venv ./venv
# alternatively, it's recommended to use the full virtualenv if you have it
> virtualenv ./venv

Install dependencies

# replace with appropriate activation script for other shells
> source ./venv/bin/activate
# It's recommended to first install torch using the recommended commands from
> pip install torch --index-url # AMD example
# finally
> pip install -e .
> deactivate
> ./ "kitten"
# Windows users will instead have to invoke Python directly
> python "kitten"

As a module

Additionally, you may use the project as a python module

pip install git+
python -m quickdif "kitten"


# See all options. Always refer to the script help over the other examples in this README
> ./ --help

# Run with defaults
> ./ "high resolution dslr photograph of pink roses in the misty rain"
# Custom model
> ./ -m "ptx0/terminus-xl-gamma-v1" "analogue photograph of a kitteon on the beach in golden hour sun rays"
# Single files work for Stable Diffusion
> ./ -m ./checkpoints/sd15/dreamshaper-v6.safetensors "colorful fantasy artwork side profile of a feminine robot in a dark cyberpunk city"
# Four dog and four cat images at twenty steps
> ./ "photo of a dog" "painting of a cat" -B 4 -s 20
# Colored latent for an offset noise effect
> ./ "underwater photograph of a dark cave full of bioluminescent glowing mushrooms" -g 9.0 -s 30 -C black -c 0.8
# Compile for a long job
> ./ $(cat prompts.txt) --compile
# Export favorite settings to the defaults JSON
> ./ -m "stabilityai/stable-cascade" -s 20 -n "blurry, noisy, cropped" --json ./quickdif.json
# Save a style to a custom JSON
> ./ "fantasy artwork of a kitten wearing gothic plate armor" -g 10 -G 0.5 --json ./epic_kitten.json
# Merge multiple configs
> ./ -I underwater_cave.png epic_kitten.json


Question Answer
Why not X popular UI? SD.Next's diffusers backend is extremely buggy/broken in multiple areas and InvokeAI (+non-diffusers UIs) only really supports Stable Diffusion.
Windows? The python script should work just fine but you'll need to set up the powershell/CMD stuff on your own.
Gradio? No. If a UI ever gets made for this it'll be its own separate entity that interfaces via API. Cramming a bad gradio interface into the main script wont do anyone any favors
Feature XYZ? Maybe. Things in the Not Including list may come eventually™ if this script winds up being useful enough