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kodjima33 authored Nov 15, 2024
1 parent 6c6db8c commit 4380c83
Showing 1 changed file with 210 additions and 0 deletions.
210 changes: 210 additions & 0 deletions plugins/example/notifications/mentor/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,210 @@
from flask import Flask, request, jsonify
import logging
import time
import os
from collections import defaultdict
from pathlib import Path
from datetime import datetime
import threading

app = Flask(__name__)

# Create logs directory if it doesn't exist
log_dir = Path(__file__).parent / "logs"

# Set up logging
format='%(asctime)s - %(levelname)s - %(message)s',
logging.FileHandler(log_dir / "mentor.log"),
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

class MessageBuffer:
def __init__(self):
self.buffers = {}
self.lock = threading.Lock()
self.cleanup_interval = 300 # 5 minutes
self.last_cleanup = time.time()
self.silence_threshold = 120 # 2 minutes silence threshold
self.min_words_after_silence = 5 # minimum words needed after silence

def get_buffer(self, session_id):
current_time = time.time()

# Cleanup old sessions periodically
if current_time - self.last_cleanup > self.cleanup_interval:

with self.lock:
if session_id not in self.buffers:
self.buffers[session_id] = {
'messages': [],
'last_analysis_time': time.time(),
'last_activity': current_time,
'words_after_silence': 0,
'silence_detected': False
# Check for silence period
time_since_activity = current_time - self.buffers[session_id]['last_activity']
if time_since_activity > self.silence_threshold:
self.buffers[session_id]['silence_detected'] = True
self.buffers[session_id]['words_after_silence'] = 0
self.buffers[session_id]['messages'] = [] # Clear old messages after silence

self.buffers[session_id]['last_activity'] = current_time

return self.buffers[session_id]

def cleanup_old_sessions(self):
current_time = time.time()
with self.lock:
expired_sessions = [
session_id for session_id, data in self.buffers.items()
if current_time - data['last_activity'] > 3600 # Remove sessions older than 1 hour
for session_id in expired_sessions:
del self.buffers[session_id]
self.last_cleanup = current_time

# Initialize message buffer
message_buffer = MessageBuffer()

ANALYSIS_INTERVAL = 120 # 30 seconds between analyses

def create_notification_prompt(messages: list) -> dict:
"""Create notification with prompt template"""

# Format the discussion with speaker labels
formatted_discussion = []
for msg in messages:
speaker = "{{{{user_name}}}}" if msg.get('is_user') else "other"
formatted_discussion.append(f"{msg['text']} ({speaker})")

discussion_text = "\n".join(formatted_discussion)

system_prompt = """You are {{{{user_name}}}}'s personal AI mentor. Your FIRST task is to determine if this conversation warrants interruption.
STEP 1 - Evaluate SILENTLY if ALL these conditions are met:
1. {{{{user_name}}}} is participating in the conversation (not just listening)
2. {{{{user_name}}}} has expressed a specific problem, challenge, goal, or question
3. You have a STRONG, CLEAR opinion that would significantly impact {{{{user_name}}}}'s situation
4. The insight is time-sensitive and worth interrupting for
If ANY condition is not met, respond with an empty string and nothing else.
STEP 2 - Only if ALL conditions are met, provide feedback following these guidelines:
- Speak DIRECTLY to {{{{user_name}}}} - no analysis or third-person commentary
- Take a clear stance - no "however" or "on the other hand"
- Keep it under 300 chars
- Use simple, everyday words like you're talking to a friend
- Reference specific details from what {{{{user_name}}}} said
- Be bold and direct - {{{{user_name}}}} needs clarity, not options
- End with a specific question about implementing your advice
What we know about {{{{user_name}}}}: {{{{user_facts}}}}
Current discussion:
Remember: First evaluate silently, then either respond with empty string OR give direct, opinionated advice.""".format(text=discussion_text)

return {
"notification": {
"prompt": system_prompt,
"params": ["user_name", "user_facts"]

@app.route('/webhook', methods=['POST'])
def webhook():
if request.method == 'POST':
data = request.json
session_id = data.get('session_id')
segments = data.get('segments', [])

if not session_id:
logger.error("No session_id provided in request")
return jsonify({"message": "No session_id provided"}), 400

current_time = time.time()
buffer_data = message_buffer.get_buffer(session_id)

# Process new messages
for segment in segments:
if not segment.get('text'):

text = segment['text'].strip()
if text:
timestamp = segment.get('start', 0) or current_time
is_user = segment.get('is_user', False)

# Count words after silence
if buffer_data['silence_detected']:
words_in_segment = len(text.split())
buffer_data['words_after_silence'] += words_in_segment

# If we have enough words, start fresh conversation
if buffer_data['words_after_silence'] >= message_buffer.min_words_after_silence:
buffer_data['silence_detected'] = False
buffer_data['last_analysis_time'] = current_time # Reset analysis timer"Silence period ended for session {session_id}, starting fresh conversation")

can_append = (
buffer_data['messages'] and
abs(buffer_data['messages'][-1]['timestamp'] - timestamp) < 2.0 and
buffer_data['messages'][-1].get('is_user') == is_user

if can_append:
buffer_data['messages'][-1]['text'] += ' ' + text
'text': text,
'timestamp': timestamp,
'is_user': is_user

# Check if it's time to analyze
time_since_last_analysis = current_time - buffer_data['last_analysis_time']

if (time_since_last_analysis >= ANALYSIS_INTERVAL and
buffer_data['messages'] and
not buffer_data['silence_detected']): # Only analyze if not in silence period

# Sort messages by timestamp
sorted_messages = sorted(buffer_data['messages'], key=lambda x: x['timestamp'])

# Create notification with formatted discussion
notification = create_notification_prompt(sorted_messages)

buffer_data['last_analysis_time'] = current_time
buffer_data['messages'] = [] # Clear buffer after analysis"Sending notification with prompt template for session {session_id}")

return jsonify(notification), 200

return jsonify({}), 202

@app.route('/webhook/setup-status', methods=['GET'])
def setup_status():
return jsonify({"is_setup_completed": True}), 200

@app.route('/status', methods=['GET'])
def status():
return jsonify({
"active_sessions": len(message_buffer.buffers),
"uptime": time.time() - start_time

# Add start time tracking
start_time = time.time()

if __name__ == '__main__':'', port=5000, debug=True)

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