When it comes to good shopping apps, B&G should always make the list. If you know what you want, but don’t know where or how to find it, The B&G is the shopping app for you. Here you can find any type of product, Save in Favourites, See orders and transactions and so on. In B&G you have your own wallet and you can deposit amount from another app.
- Kotlin
- clean architechture
- Firebase Auth
- Firebase Storage
- Firebase Realtime Database
- Firebase Crashlytics
- Retrofit
- Room Database
- Moshi
- Glide
- Preference DataStore
- Dependency Injection
- Dagger Hilt
- Coroutines
- Flow
- ViewBinding
- RecyclerView
- Navigation Drawer
- Bottom Navigation View
- Splash Screen
- View Pager
- Launcher Icon
OnBoarding is visible only once when the application is launched for the first time.
- Gaga Lomidze
student at Business and Technology University - https://github.com/lomidzegaga - Baia asanidze
student of IT at Business and Technology University - https://github.com/Baiaasana