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Paolo Angeli edited this page Oct 13, 2019 · 45 revisions

Welcome to the JaiPrimer wiki!

Language basics

Types, constants, variables

  • Native types
  • Constants
  • Variables and assignments
  • Expressions and operators
  • Type-casting
  • Simple user-defined types
  • Aggregated data types
  • Collections data types
  • Pointers

Flow control


  • Declarations
  • Procedures / Functions
  • Arguments / Parameters
  • Return values
  • Overloading / Polymorhism
  • Lambdas
  • Advanced features

Advanced features

Types, constants and variables

  • Variables and assignments
  • Language data types
  • Simple user-defined data types
  • Expressions and operators
  • Type-casting
  • Pointers

Flow control

Procedures and functions

  • Declarations
  • Arguments / Parameters
  • Return values
  • Overloading / Polymorhism
  • Advanced features
  • Lambdas

Aggregated data types

  • Arrays
  • Strings
  • Composition of Structs

Advanced features

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