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ODOWeb is yet another content management system. It is geared towards developers with small businesses as clients. ODOWeb provides group level access to pages, menus, objects, and methods of objects. This means one user could have access to methods a, b, and c on an object while another user may have access to a, b, c, and d. For users that do not have access rights to methods of an object the method is simply not loaded or available for that user. Some of ODOweb's features are listed below.

  • Logging system that records a user's ID, asign a severity level, and add custom comments.
  • E-mail the admin when logging reaches a given severity level.
  • Dynamic Menu system based off of user rights, conditional request variables, and CSS styles
  • Group level permissions on pages, menus, objects, and methods.
  • Mycrpt encryption support with per user Initialization Vectors.
  • MD5SUM, SHA256, SHA512 hashing support.
  • Basic news system with categorical viewing which can be associated to groups.
  • License

    See docs/odowebLicense.txt

    How to Install

    1. wget

    2. tar -xvf 3.0.tar.gz

    3. cp -R ODOWeb-3.0/src/images /path/to/your/apache/htdocs/images

    4. cp -R ODOWeb-3.0/src/css /path/to/your/apache/htdocs/css

    5. cp -R ODOWeb-3.0/src/JavaScript /path/to/your/apache/htdocs/js

    6. cp -R ODOWeb-3.0/src/php/*.php /path/to/your/apache/htdocs/
    7. - You do not need the Objects or Pages folders as they are loaded into the database.
    8. mkdir /path/to/your/apache/htdocs/mobile

    9. mv /path/to/your/apache/htdocs/mobileindex.php /path/to/your/apache/htdocs/mobile/index.php

    10. mv /path/to/your/apache/htdocs/mobilelogin.php /path/to/your/apache/htdocs/mobile/login.php

    11. You should create a new mysql username and password for the new BPTPOINT database. This is not covered here.

    12. mysql -u USERNAME -p BPTPOINT < ODOWeb-3.0/db/ODOWebv3.sql

    13. Change the group owner on the newly created files to your apache2 server group. On some systems this is www-data. chgrp -R www-data /path/to/your/apache/htdocs/*

    14. Update the class.php DB connection info. Search for dbipadd and update the dbpword, dbuname to the username you created above.

    15. Update the GetFile.php DB connection info. Search for dbipadd and update the dbpword, dbuname to the username you created above.

    16. Update the GetImage.php DB connection info. Search for dbipadd and update the dbpword, dbuname to the username you created above.

    17. Update the NoSpam.php DB connection info. Search for dbipadd and update the dbpword, dbuname to the username you created above.

    18. If you are going to use mcrypt you should update the salts located in ODOUtil class and ODOUser class in class.php. Search for aesKey in ODOUtil and update it to a new key of the same length. It is defined in the wakeup and in the constructor to avoid recording the key in session data. You must update both. Search for the defined aesKey in ODOUser class and update it. It also is defind in the wakeup and in the constructor methods. Search for SHA256h defined in ODOUser and update everything AFTER the $5$rounds=5000$ portion of the salt. It is also defind in the wakeup and in the constructor methods. Search for SHA512h defined in ODOUser and update everything after the $6$rounds=5000$ portion of the salt. It is also located in the wakeup and constructor methods.

    19. You should be setup now! Visit the server's address and login with username: admin password: admin . Obviously you should change your password as soon as you login.