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The central installation

Vinh Tran edited this page Dec 13, 2023 · 3 revisions

(For internal use only!)

First, you need to activate the pre-installed PhyloProfile environment

conda activate /home/worker/envs/phyloprofile_v1.16

Then, go to R terminal and start PhyloProfile as usual


Before uploading your input for PhyloProfile, you need to make a copy of the taxonomy database to your working directory, where you have the full access and writing permission.

Go to menu Function -> NCBI taxonomy data, select Export taxonomy DB files, choose your working directory and click 'Do export' to save the taxonomy DB to that folder.


Then, go back to the Input and settings menu, give the path to your downloaded taxonomy DB into the Taxonomy DB location


Now you can input your phylogenetic profiles ;-)

NOTE: Whenever your start a new session of PhyloProfile, please specify the path to your own taxonomy database first before uploading the input files. You can save individual taxonomy database for each taxon set to optimize the use of these databases!