Releases: BEXIS2/Core
This version contains some new features and a lot of smaller enhancements. Once the new features are stable, we plan to release version 4.0.0.
Important: web.config.samples and the workspace contain important changes.
Workspace changes:
- Workspace changes: 3.3.3..3.4.0
Database Update(s):
- Update script from version 3.3.3 to 3.4.0: Update_Script_3.3.3_3.4.0.sql
New Settings
- General
- landingPageForUsers update link to new search
- Data Discovery
- use_tags : Enable users to create tags as a combination of dataset versions.
- use_minor : Activate minor tags to show the changes more granularly (x.x).
- Dataset versioning: Creation, View, and Editing. Call via tag (url & API) #1647
- integration: Add as a concept for mapping and to the metadata #511
- Refactored Search UI to Svelte (as it was before) #1801
- DOI integration into BEXIS2 Core System #1567
- Hide empty field groups in Metadata View #1807
- Change and edit missing values during editing and creation of a data structure #1779
- Add centralized BEXIS2 theme CSS generation #1790
- Variable edit in data structure: Change group names from value to category #1787
- Bigger refactoring of the variable edit in the data structure #1792
- UI improvements File Reader Information & Spell checking #1855
- Change the order of the data structure and file upload in the metadata edit #1859
- Add variable count to data structure error message #1777
- Remove "in use" info from user view #1782
Maintenance & Security
- Add API error messages as notifications to page component for development #91
- Fix problems with build solution after new installation of BEXIS 2 #1791
- Reduction of used NuGet packages #1794
- Robots.txt: change default settings #735
- Prevent Web Application Potentially Vulnerable to Clickjacking #1853
- Prevent Web Server Allows Password Auto-Completion #1861
- Fix data structure (date pattern) changes are not detected #1858
- Fix name of a person (party type) switches after edit #1484
- Fix Log Off does not work in Svelte Layout #1518
- Fix file reader information: Selection without description does not work #1856
- Fix disable Submit after submitting does not work for small files #1857
- Fix data structure (date pattern & missing values) changes are not detected #1858
- Fix data type Decimal does not allow negative values #1866
- Fix wrong title for delete Variable & Dimension #1868
During the further development we noticed 3 more small bugs, which we will fix quickly with this update.
And adding an accessibility document link to the footer
Workspace changes:
- Workspace changes: 3.3.2..3.3.3
Database Update(s):
- Update script version 3.3.1 to 3.3.2:
- Update_Script_3.3.2_3.3.3.sql
This is a hotfix release to fix 3 major bugs.
Workspace changes:
- Workspace changes: 3.3.1..3.3.2
Database Update(s):
- Update script version 3.3.1 to 3.3.2:
- Update_Script_3.3.1_3.3.2.sql
In this minor update we have fixed problems with uploading data and metadata editing and extended the concept to date cite, which allows you to send more metadata.
Workspace changes:
- Workspace changes: 3.3.0..3.3.1
Database Update(s):
- Update script version 3.3.0 to 3.3.1:
- 3.3.0-3.3.1.sqll
- Add API error messages as notifications to page component #91
..Darwin Core Export / DOI Integration .....
Webconfig needs to be updated!
Workspace changes:
- Workspace changes: 3.2.1..3.3.0
Database Update(s):
- Update script version 3.2.1 to 3.3.0:
- Update_Script_3.2.1_3.3.0.sql
New/Updated Settings
- General/Landing Page - (if empty, load landingpage.htm from tenant)
- Data Colletion/Use external metadata form (Enables the loading of an external metadata form when editing entities)
- Data Colletion/External metadata form destination url (Define the origin from where the external metadata form should be loaded)
- Data Dissemination/gbifCollectionArea - Define a destination of all darwin core archives (Default: {Data}/export/gbif).
- DOI Integration into BEXIS2 Core System (#1567)
- Improve authorization for internal API calls (#1730)
- Handling of JWT: Store JWT in the page component in bexis2-core-ui - sveltekit (#1694)
- Security improvements: prevent web applications potentially vulnerable to clickjacking (443/tcp) & Add missing secure cookie attribute (HTTP) (443/tcp) (#1708)(#1707)
- Add the possibility to use an external metadata form instead of the existing one #1715 (#1715)
- Instead of Application Name, The breadcrumb from the old layout shows Home at first element #1720 (#1720)
- Add Page Content to edit content pages in frontend #1693 (#1693)
- RPM: handle missing value in domain constraints - import from dataset(#1692)
- Use the new “meaning” object to store linkage to the needed Darwin Core concepts for variables (#1574)
- Fix after changing the data structure, the validation should be triggered again (#1729)
- Fix performance problems with several svelte pages (#1717)
- Fix edit data structure allows edit display pattern but can't store the changes (#1709)
- Fix Telerik data table not working (#1727)
- Fix edit variable template: save does not get activated (#1711)
- Fix create new meaning not working (#1714)
- Fix return to dataset after editing data structure not working (#1728)
- Fix destroyed metadata form appears when show data or other tabs in show dataset view (#1710)
- Fix Read a file with delimiter inside the text quotes is not working (#1753)
in this release 2 bugs were fixed for the mapping and delete dataset landingpage.
Workspace changes:
- Workspace changes: 3.1.0..3.2.0
Database Update(s):
- Update script version 3.2.0 to 3.2.1:
- Update_Script_3.2.0_3.2.1.sql
This release focused on updating UI libraries, fixing bugs, adding new constraint features, and adding the first version of the new primary data for testing.
Workspace changes:
- Workspace changes: 3.1.0..3.2.0
- Please make sure that the credentials file in the workspace is no longer needed (since 3.1.0). Instead, the SMTP settings are entered in the general settings.json. Please enter your credentials there.
Database Update(s):
- Update script version 3.1.0 to 3.2.0:
- Update_Script_3.1.0beta_3.2.0.sql
Important notes:
- Data Out API: Previously missing values for dates have not been replaced, while all other types have been replaced.
- SvelteKit Update to version 2.x (#1528)
- First version to replace primary data Telerik table and add a link to My Data view (#747)(#1665)
- Create a domain list based on an internal dataset (#1421)
- Create Dataset: Add copy a dataset (was missing after refactoring in version 3) (#1634)
- Add new DateTime Pattern (yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm: ss/dd.MM.yyyy hh:mm:ss) (#1677)
- Fix file reader data preview view is not scroll-able (#1637)
- Fix different background colors for menu (#1654)
- Fix missing values for dates are not replaced in the primary data view (within the new primary data view) (#641)
- Fix date display patterns are not replaced in Data Out API (#1549)
- Fix Structure API - Error when a variable has no variable template (#1664)
- Fix Link dataset: can't select a dataset to be linked (#1568)
This release focused on fixing found bugs or already identified necessary changes in version 3.0.0-beta. Thanks to all testing version 3.0.0-beta!
Workspace changes:
- Workspace changes: 3.0.0-beta..3.1.0
- please take care that the credentials file in the workspace is no longer needed, instead the smtp settings are entered in the general settings.json. please enter your credentials there.
Database Update(s):
- the update script from version 2.18 to 3.0.0-beta has been revised, and errors were fixed.
- Update_Script_218to300.sql
- Update script version 3.0.0-beta to 3.1.0:
- Update_Script_3beta_3.1.0.sql
New Settings:
- Data Structure - Enforce Primary Key (bool): To set a primary key during the creation of a data structure is/is not mandatory.
- Data Structure - Primary Key changeable (bool): Once data is uploaded, it is/is not possible to change the primary key. The new key is only saved if a validation is passed against all linked datasets.
- Add help on toggle and code editor (#1516)
- Revise help texts (#1486)
- Add display name to settings (#1317)
- Preparations to replace primary data Telerik Table (#747)
- Support default values for elements and attributes during XSD import (#1262)
- support XSD attributes during metadata export (#1071)
- Move SMTP and LADP configuration inside general.settings.json (#1551, #796)
- Reorder table header for Entity Links (#1565)
- Create data structure: filter should show the exact match first (#1541)
- Check and allow units from templates over associated dimensions instead only of the unit itself (#1544)
- Add text to icon for toggle between view & edit (#1426)
- Adjust UX writing under and for "Data Description" (#1561)
- Change type "link" to "vocabulary" in DWC seed data (#1584)
- Improvesubmit in edit dataset (#1415)
- DB Update: Create meanings based on converted variable templates from existing instances (#1538)
- Data Upload: Check the primary key over all uploaded files (#1283)
- Add DWC terms as seed data as meanings (#1510)
- Add help within create & edit data structure (#1490)
- Update constraints with warning (#1420)
- File upload: Add description to file and show under view (#1570)
- Several small improvements (#1545)
- Entity templates: Extend setting defaults permission by other options (#1575)
- Detect and handle different encodings of uploaded files (#1617)
- Fix missing measurement system validation when creating and editing a unit Type (#1598)
- Fix missing entity ref in datasets or other entity instance dependencies(#1600)
- Fix load metadata failed when loading different datasets with different metadata structures (#1597)
- Fix search index failed when the template of variable is null Type (#1591)
- Fix several download problems (#1587)
- Fix metadata attributes of container elements that don`t appear in the metadata form (#1263)
- Fix if the data structure is created from empty, the meanings are not stored (#1580)
- Fix required fields in the entity template are empty if no mapping to system keys exists at all (#1558)
- Fix token link is broken in Svelte layout (#1520)
- Fix update issues: Metadata can not be edited (#1557)
- Fix metadata export for new imported metadata structure are not working(#1572)
- Fix create page has a dependency on EntityTemplate management (#1577)
- Fix send request is not available (#1576)
- Fix Error on API data out when the header is used and the first column/variable is not of type string (#1546)
- Fix data API: token invalid (#1562)
- Fix API upload doesn't update system variables in metadata (#1391)
- Fix filter position for search is not correct (#1559)
- Fix manual metadata and data is not linked (#1540)
- Fix Swagger API view is not working (#1536)
- Fix the name of the version view model (VersionsModel -> ReadVersionsModel) (#1530)
Please note that this is a beta version. It is not recommended to use this version in production.
BEXIS2 version 3.0.0 is a major release. It contains a lot of changes in the background as well as in the UI. The most important changes are listed below.
From this release, semantic versioning is used. The version number is composed of three numbers: major.minor.patch. The major version number is increased if there are breaking changes. The minor version number is increased if new features are added. The patch version number is increased if bugs are fixed.
Instructions for updating from 2.18.2 to 3.0.0-beta
Workspace changes:
- all settings.xml are converted to JSON. Transfer your individual settings via the new Settings UI after the update of the code and workspace
- updated EntityReferenceConfig.Xml:
- removed: IsCompiledBy & Compiles;
- description revision (if used compile before you should add again)
- Workspace changes: 2.18.2..3.0.0-beta
Database Update(s):
very important: backup your database before you start the update
the underlying database structure has changed and extended. Data will be migrated, but a few SQL statements need to be adjusted
- please create your entity templates and update them according to your datasets and entity template IDs after the update with the provided SQL
General Backend
- Update of the .net framework to 4.8, nhibernate 5.3, and other libraries
- Integration of the Vaiona library into the code
- Improvements and setting up of Jenkins pipeline for development and deployment
- Unit tests were added to most of the refactored backend functions
- Revision of initial seed data for units, dimensions and data types
- JWT support for authentication (#1276)
General Frontend
- Replacing Bootstrap by TailwindCSS and the UI framework Skeleton for all refactored UI components
- Creation of BEXIS2 Core UI NPM Packages for centralized maintenance of certain frequently used UI components like forms and tables. (help, page, forms …) (npm, BEXIS2 Core UI Website)
- Basic setup for E2E tests with playwright (see here)
- Refactoring and enhancement of UI Elements related to the menu, settings, entity templates, data description, and upload workflow have been refactored to Svelte. The remaining parts of the UI follow step by step.
- Replacing of the header – content dividing block by a breadcrumb
- Settings for modules to adjust, e.g., values or default text have a UI and can be changed without server access. This covers only settings which does not require a server restart.
- Introduction of show/hide-able components (e.g., attachments, links, permissions) via entity templates instead of a global setting. Permissions currently not shown, but will be added again in the future.
- Dashboard: Rename to "My Data" (#333)
- Fixed: Wrong metadata system value for id, if file deleted in a dataset (#1346)
Refactoring dataset creation, data description and upload
- Introduction of Entity Templates (see Entity Templates)
- Extended / changes Variable Concept (see Variable Concept)
- The different upload workflows have been combined to one. The user can freely decide which step he like to start. Create data structure or upload file. Validation is triggered automatically once the file or the data structure has changed.
- Increased level of detail for validation errors
- Data structures can be detected after uploading a file. The data type is analyzed using a random sample (value changeable in the settings). Descriptions can be read. Units can be read and will be mapped to existing units. Missing values can be added for each column.
- Variable Templates are now treated as templates and no longer actively linked and used once selected for a variable. Instead, all information is copied to a variable.
- Data structures are now optional. The unstructured type (for files) has been removed in favor of forcing information to be added in the metadata / not replicated.
- Excel upload is in the current version not possible, but it will re-introduced in the future.
- Excel Macros within the data structure are not supported anymore. The data structure is now a simple Excel file.
- The upload of files is now possible via drag and drop. The upload of multiple files is possible.
- Created datasets are currently not added to the search index, before the upload is finished or metadata has been edited. This might change in the future back to the old behavior.
- DOI registration at DataCite is now possible via the UI. DOI support is only available for instances of having an account at DataCite.
Database update: Update_Script_2181to2182.sql
Workspace changes: 2.18.1...2.18.2
- Mismatch between Values & linked Parties in Metadata (#1322)