Version 2.13.0-stable.593
- c27f474 Merge pull request #2492 from Azure/prepare-2.13.0
- 6afc860 Merge branch 'master' into prepare-2.13.0
- c42e482 Explicitly uses .NET 2.1 for code-signing
- 425d095 Merge stable into master (#2485) [ #2400 ]
- 98e022c Prepare for release 2.13.0 (#2482)
- 6bba389 Fix bump version script (#2479)
- 6c239ce February a11y Bug Fixes (#2469) [ #288, #277, #309, #326, #789 ]
- 71c3bd3 Update to call List Supported Virtual Machine and Cloud Service SKUs (#2400) (#2456)
- 3fed00a Bump url-parse from 1.5.7 to 1.5.10 (#2455)
- 9a0ef65 [Fix] Update heatmap node height calculations (#2452)
See More
- 0b4a422 Enable Angular's Ivy compiler (#2451)
- 5daee21 Bump url-parse from 1.5.3 to 1.5.7 (#2450)
- 485e999 Bump follow-redirects from 1.13.3 to 1.14.8 (#2438)
- d4b6e38 Bump node-fetch from 2.6.1 to 2.6.7 (#2423)
- fe0fb0e Manually bump version to 2.13.0
- 5a2ab52 Update changelog with hotfix information
- 4503771 Update patch version for reverting VM SKU API changes
- 52f9070 Revert "Update to call List Supported Virtual Machine and Cloud Service SKUs (#2400)"
- ac857f0 Bump karma from 6.3.2 to 6.3.14 (#2442)
- 36f9e24 Merge pull request #2445 from Azure/feature/electron-angular-updates
- 62aa271 Switch from Spectron to Playwright for e2e tests
- a8bcb8b Update to Electron 12, Angular 10, TS 4
- d71d1d2 Merge pull request #2443 from Azure/feature/private-feed
- 49de360 Pipelines use private feed for NPM and PyPi
- 8029f00 Pipelines: Refactors Python and Node setup
- 2e0af2f Bump nth-check from 2.0.0 to 2.0.1 (#2431)
- b07e10c Merge pull request #2434 from Azure/feature/cybereo-dist
- 64a5e2f Security analysis on both CI and Dist pipelines
- 2459878 Moves SBOM generation to Dist pipeline
- 35fcf75 Bump log4js from 6.3.0 to 6.4.1 (#2433)
- afe1cd9 Bump simple-get from 3.1.0 to 3.1.1 (#2432)
- 00e6978 Fix Python backend and update various dependencies (#2411) [ #2384 ]
- 4b75cdf Merge pull request #2427 from Azure/feature/cybereo
- 41c40fa SBOM generation
- 13e75a3 Migrates pipeline to CyberEO-compliant 1ES Hosted Pool
- 4340ad8 Tweak: Pipeline YAML formatting
- a051cf7 Better Spectron error messages
- 42d7a50 Upgrades keytar for node-gyp support
This list of changes was auto generated.