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React + Vite + Supabase(Postgres, REST, RPC, Google Auth) + PeerJs Server(Signalling , WebRTC)

HOW to Setup on Your machine

- Clone Repo
- Run `pnpm install` or `npm i`
- Create Project in Supabase and Enable Google Auth By Using Google Clound Credientials
- Create ".env" file in root folder
- add enviorment variables in .env like
    `REACT_APP_SUPABASE_URL="get from supabase dashboard"`
    `REACT_APP_SUPABASE_ANON_KEY="get from supabase dashboard"`
- Run `pnpm run dev` for Development and visit http://localhost:5173/
- Build Command `pnpm build`
- Enjoy the app

Some Screen Shots


If Demo Not Working Email me as reminder to restore supabase's free project 😁