Testing the Scene Format: The testsuite now includes tests for the Scene format plugin. (#157)
Hiding symbols: Weak symbols are now hidden in the Procedural on Linux and MacOS. (#409)
Lambert for the Tests: The testsuite is now using the lambert as the default shader. (#416)
Overwriting the C++ standard: The C++ standard can now be overwritten for builds on Linux and MacOS. (#446)
Google Test: Google Test can now be used to write tests. (#311)
Fixed an issue with the "resave" test parameter. (#402)
Fixed an issue with test 62 and 68. (#414)
UsdGeomCamera: The UsdGeomCamera schema is now supported in the procedural. (#345)
UsdSkel: The UsdSkel schema is now supported in the procedural. (#329)
Image uvset: The built-in uvset is used now when a UsdPrimvarReader for st/uv is connected to UsdUvTexture. (#428)
Textured Mesh Lights: Textured mesh lights are now supported. (#366)
Fixed an issue when using multiple Procedurals. (#400)
Fixed issues with Nested Procedurals when using the Procedural Viewport API. (#408 #435)
Fixed a crash with empty node names. (#380)
Fixed an issue with reading namespaced primvars. (#382)
Fixed an issue when reading Light color and intensity parameters. (#364)
Fixed several issues when reading primvars. (#333)
Fixed an issue when reading RGB arrays. (#325)
Render Delegate
Filters for AOVs: Filtering parameters are now read from the aovSettings map for RenderVars. (#319 #426 #437)
LPE RenderVars: LPE RenderVars are now supported. (#317)
Primvar RenderVars: Primvar RenderVars are now supported. (#318)
SourceName for RenderVars: The sourceName aovSetting is now supported. This allows renaming Arnold AOVs and writing a single AOV to multiple Render Buffers with different filters. (#425)
Fixed an issue that prevented using the GPU on Windows. (#398)
Fixed a crash when running the Render Delegate in Solaris on Windows. (#394)
Fixed a bug related to marking ignored Render Buffers as converged. (#431)
Fixed an issue related to using incorrect LPEs. (#430)
Fixed a crash when deleting an active RenderVar in Solaris. (#439)
Fixed an issue when the USD Preview Surface is used as a Displacement shader. (#448)
Fixed an issue with how the dataType parameter is interpreted. (#450)
Scene Format / Writer
Roundtripping Node Names: Node names are now preserved when roundtripping scenes from Arnold to USD to Arnold. (#396)
Per-channel connections: Per-channel connections are now written using adapter nodes. (#351)
Motion Keys: Motion keys are now written to the USD file. (#334)
Motion Blur: Motion blur is now supported. (#346)
Fixed an issue when writing Toon light lists. (#374)
Fixed an issue when writing linked ramp parameters. (#375)
Fixed an issue when writing AI_TYPE_NODE user data. (#371)
Fixed an issue when writing motion ranges. (#368)
Fixed an issue when writing ginstance parameters. (#362)
Fixed a crash when writing empty arrays. (#360)
Fixed an issue when the number of motion keys for normals did not match the number of motion keys for positions. (#356)
Fixed an issue when writing custom Matrix parameters. (#354)
Fixed an issue when writing polymesh.subdiv_iterations.(#349)
Fixed an issue when writing curves.num_points. (#324)
Removed warnings when writing the displayColor primvar. (#312)