Auromony is a custom build of Connext that enables trustless bridging between Aurora and Harmony using Hash Time Locked Contracts (HTLCs).
Demonstration Video (Testnet):
Prototyped: nxtp + coinhippo-bridge + chaindata
In Development: connextscan + connextscan-lambda
Monorepo containing the source code of Contracts, Subgraphs and Router, as well as Docker Compose configurations for running the Router and NATS messaging server.
NATS server facilitating off-chain messaging (i.e. auctioning and bidding) between frontend users and backend routers.
Local node hosting The Graph subgraphs.
Subgraphs caching server that provides APIs for the frontend to read subgraphs.
Frontend for user interactions with the bridging service.
Explorer frontend of the bridging service.
AWS APIs supporting the explorer frontend.
List of chains and assets. For sourcing crosschain assets in frontend.