ROS Stack for interacting with Open Sound Control Hardware and Software
- pytouchosc - A library for interacting with TouchOSC layout files
- osc_bridge - A bridge between OSC and ROS
- touchosc_bridge - A bridge between TouchOSC iOS app and ROS
- teleop_handler - A tabpage handler for robot teleoperation
- diagnostics_handler - A tabpage handler for diagnostics information
For more information on TouchOSC:
For more information on ROSOSC: wiki: ROSOSC
For ROSOSC Tutorials: wiki: ROSOSC_tutorials
For more information on ROS:
Installation Notes:
On Ubuntu
sudo apt-get install python-pip
rosmake --rosdep-install rososc
On Mac, if you followed the homebrew guide, pip is already installed:
rosmake --rosdep-install rososc