ECE143 Group 20
Requires python 3.3+
Some main third-party modules:
- pandas 1.1.4
- sklearn 0.0
- plotly 4.13.0
- spotipy 2.16.1
Clone the repository using
git clone
Create a python virtual environment
python -m venv env
Activate the environment
source env/bin/activate
Install dependencies
pip install requirements.txt
Deactivate when done making changes
All the data we used and generated are stored in data folder, and the clustering model we generated are stored in model folder.
Visualizations of the correlation between raw features from dataset are presented in final notebook in notebooks folder.
For a better viewing experience and interactibility view notebook here nbviewer
We used K-mean for clustering and all visualizations regarding K-mean are also showed in final notebook. The original data used for hyper dimensional visualization are stoed in data folder, named df_cleaned.tsv and df_cleaned_genre_10.tsv.
In order to see the 3D visualization of the dataset with predicted genres and artist names as index, use the following link:
Embedding Visualizer
Go to the final notebook, change the sample name to your favorite artist and change the lim to the length of the recommendation list you want, and run the notebook.