NOTE: This is mostly a toy project demonstrating extreme usage of DRY and OOPS design patterns. Works quite well for the part ! This is not thread or process safe. Don't use in a web-server unless usage is local. Creates per-process singleton, not a global one !
Cim (Cache in Memory Singleton) is what you would like to interpret as an in-memory key, value store in python. its methods are similar to that of a map.
you can specify each of these in the constructor as well. (check definition)
- default_val : default return value if key not present. (default is None)
- capacity: The capaity of the cache. Default is 5000 items(keys)
- cache_type: how the cache behaves with updates, when cache is full (default is LRU). Cache behaviors are implemented in Google Behavioral patterns in OOPS for more information) Current options for cache type are MRU, LRU and BaseBehavior. BaseBehavior is the Base class which does not use any queued eviction policies and stops cache updation after limit is reached
- fallback: A fallback for the cache. Whenever there is a cache miss, the cache will try to lookup and update with this source. Fallback is a singleton abstract class with get and update methods. For example, you can have a fallback to mongodb inheriting this Fallback class and implement get and update for that mongodb. By default, Fallback is None. Write policies can be attached to the fallback as well, in future releases.
c = Cim(capacity=5)
# get all items or iterate through all items
{1:'a', 2:'a', 3:'a'}
####If you want to view how the LRU/MRU queue is being managed:
<evictions.LRU at 0x7fa48f7c0580>
# shows you the queue items. here queue is a locally impemented linked-list based deque (from
[1, 2, 3]
####You can change the cache capaity using update_capacity(new_size).
If your cache size is currently > your new capacity, the excess, most irrelevant items based on the cache behavior, will be removed. However if the new capacity is big enough, items will be preserved
[1, 2, 3]
[2, 3]
####You can change the cache behavior in running code as well.
<evictions.MRU at 0x7fa48f804d90>
However, this will remove all items currently being held by your cache
####Note: When you use queue based behaviors like MRU and LRU, the cache map holds items like {key: IndexedObject} The IndexedObject is a wrapper around your actual value, that stores the queue index position of that key. Based on the position the eviction order is decided if the cache gets full