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Aptori Sift Action

Aptori is an AI-Enabled developer tool for API Testing and Application Security Testing.

Aptori leverages AI to assist in the development of secure, high-quality software. Our Semantic Reasoning Technology comprehends the structure of your application, allowing for autonomous application testing. This efficiency frees developers from time-consuming testing tasks while ensuring the software is secure and functions as intended.

Sift uses AI to understand the application's API semantically, identifying how different operations connect and creating a logical flowchart of these workflows. It then tests these workflows by providing appropriate input values, checking that the application's business logic is accurate at each stage.

Integrate Sift in your CI to identify business logic bugs and security vulnerabilities in your applications with Aptori Autonomous Application Security Testing. Sift Action is a GitHub Action that runs Aptori's Sift CLI tool in a continous integration (CI) workflow.

Additional Information

Getting Started

1. Get your Aptori account

To run Sift, you need to have an account on Aptori. Get in touch with our expert team to set up a trial account. After activating your account, you can employ sift-action to evaluate your application’s API, and automatically upload the findings to the Aptori Platform.

2. Add Sift to your workflow

Go to the GitHub Repository on which you want to run Sift. Add the sift-action to an existing GitHub workflow or create a new workflow. A sample workflow file is provided below under Example Workflow.

In your GitHub repository settings, add values in secrets and variables that are used for input values of the Action.

  • Define a secret named SIFT_PLATFORM_KEY that contains the value of an Aptori Platform Key. This secret is used for the required input platformKey in the workflow example below.
  • Define a variable named SIFT_CONFIGURATION_ID that contains the ID of a configuration created in the Aptori Platform. This variable is used for the required input configurationId in the workflow example below.

Action Inputs


Aptori Platform key.


ID of configuration to fetch from Aptori Platform.


URL where application API can be accessed. This overrides the URL specified in the configuration.


Space-separated list labels in key=value form to append to the metdata for a test run.


Docker network bridge name. Make sure your application under test runs in the same network.

Action Outputs

Sift outputs test results in SARIF format in file sift.sarif in the workspace where the Action is run.

Example Workflow

Below is a sample workflow that uses Sift Action. This workflow uses a secret (SIFT_PLATFORM_KEY) and variable (SIFT_CONFIGURATION_ID) that are defined in the repository settings.

# An example workflow file to help you get started
name: Run Sift

# Controls when the workflow will run
    branches: [ main ]
    branches: [ main ]

    name: Aptori Sift
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest

    # Permissions to upload the Code Scanning result
    # (only necessary if using GitHub Advanced Security and SARIF upload below)
      actions: read
      contents: read
      security-events: write

    - name: Check out repo
      uses: actions/checkout@v4

    # Example of building and running an application with Docker.
    # Note, this is an example.  Add workflow step(s) to deploy or run an
    # instance of your application.
    - name: Build and run the application
      run: |
        docker build -t myapp:latest .
        docker network create network1
        docker run -d -p 5000:5000 --network network1 --name myapp myapp:latest

    # Run Sift using platform key and configuration ID stored in your repository secrets
    - name: Run Sift
      uses: Aptori-dev/sift-action@v1
        platformKey: ${{ secrets.SIFT_PLATFORM_KEY }}
        configurationId: ${{ vars.SIFT_CONFIGURATION_ID }}
        targetUrl: http://myapp:5000
        network: network1
        # User-defined labels can be used to help distinguish a particular run
        labels: |

    # Optional: Upload SARIF file to GitHub Code Scanning
    # (requires GitHub Advanced Security)
    - name: Upload SARIF file
      uses: github/codeql-action/upload-sarif@v2
        # Path to SARIF file relative to the root of the repository
        sarif_file: sift.sarif
        # Category for the results - to differentiate multiple results for one commit
        category: aptori-sift