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AppViewX Istio-k8s Signer

With Kubernetes 1.18, there is a certification signing request (CSR) API feature, which allows for automation of certificate request and retrieval from certification authorities. Istiod acts as the Registration Authority to manage updates for a CSR resource.

The one form of integration options of Istio with AppViewX capitalize the K8s CSR feature, where the CSR received by the Istiod is sent to the AppViewX Kubernetes signer.

The operator has the external certificate authority signer implementation which enables the CSR to be signed by any custom Certificate Authority configured in the AppViewX Cert+ product.

AppViewX-Istio-K8s Signer

Integration Prerequisites

Before configuring the AppViewX-Istio K8s signer, the below prerequisites should be validated.

  • Cluster running Kubernetes with 1.18+ version.
  • Download and Install Istio version 1.8+.
  • GO version 1.16 and above
  • Signup for AppViewX account

Note : Existing customers reach us @ [email protected]

AppViewX-Istio K8s Signer Configuration

Installation Steps

  • Download appviewx-signer from the to the K8s master node

    git clone
  • Change the working directory to appviewx-signer and build the appviewx-signer binary.

     cd <installdirectory>/appviewx-signer/ 
     CGO_ENABLED=0 GOOS=linux GOARCH=amd64 GO111MODULE=on go build -a -o manager main.go;
  • Change the working directory to demo and update the AppViewX Instance credentials and host details on the appviewx.env file.

     cd <installdirectory>/appviewx-signer/demo/

    Note : Host details and credentials will be shared upon signup / registration.

  • Create a kubernetes secret with the AppViewX environment and credentials.

     kubectl create secret generic appviewx-credentials -n signer-ca-system --from-env-file=./appviewx.env;
  • Change the working directory to appviewx-signer and build and deploy the appviewx-signer docker image.

      cd <installdirectory>/appviewx-signer/;
      make docker-build deploy-e2e DOCKER_PREFIX=appviewx-istio/appviewx-signer/ DOCKER_TAG=1.0;
  • Create a kubernetes secret to host the Signing Certificate Authority by concatenating the Root CA and the Intermediate CA to base64 format.

     cat <installdirectory>/appviewx-signer/demo/RootCA.crt <installdirectory>/appviewx-signer/demo/SUBCA.crt | base64 |  tr  -d '\n'

    Note : Example base64 content file base64example.txt available in the demo directory.

  • Change the working directory to demo .

     cd <installdirectory>/appviewx-signer/demo/
  • Copy the base64 content and insert in an external-ca-cert.yaml file as below.

    apiVersion: v1
    kind: Secret
      name: external-ca-cert
      namespace: istio-system
      root-cert.pem: "BASE64 CONTENT HERE"
  • Create the istio namespace and kubernetes secret with the command

    “kubectl create namespace istio-system ; kubectl apply -f external-ca-cert.yaml”.

Enable Custom Certificate Authority

To enable custom Certificate Authority, user can download the Root and Intermediate Certificates from AppViewX and replace existing certificates (RootCA.crt , SUBCA.crt) in the demo directory.

Note : Applicable for existing customers.

Install Istio and enable external signer

The below steps are executed to install Istio on the kubernetes cluster and enable External CA integration to sign workload and ingress/egress gateway certificates.

  • Download getIstio

     curl -sL | bash
  • Fetch Istio binary

    getistio fetch
  • Enable external signer in istio configuration using the istio.yaml file like below.

    kind: IstioOperator
              # Amend ClusterRole to add permission for istiod to approve certificate signing by custom signer
              - kind: ClusterRole
                name: istiod-istio-system
                  - path: rules[-1]
                    value: |
                      -     #Replace Signer Name
                      - signers
                      - approve
                      - sign
              # Indicate to Istiod that we use an external signer
              - name: EXTERNAL_CA
                value: ISTIOD_RA_KUBERNETES_API
              # Indicate to Istiod the external k8s Signer Name
              - name: K8S_SIGNER
                value:     #Replace Signer Name
            - kind: Deployment
              name: istiod
                - path: spec.template.spec.containers[0].volumeMounts[-1]
                  value: |
                    # Mount external CA certificate into Istiod
                    name: external-ca-cert
                    mountPath: /etc/external-ca-cert
                    readOnly: true
                - path: spec.template.spec.volumes[-1]
                  value: |
                    name: external-ca-cert
                      secretName: external-ca-cert
                      optional: true
  • Install istio using getIstio

     getistio istioctl install --set profile=demo -f ./istio.yaml --set

Test Environment Setup

To validate and verify the mTLS certificates issued by a custom Certificate Authority, users can install a sample application using the below script and verify the custom certificate signed.

The script installs a sample httpbin and sleep application in a separate namespace called foo and enrolls mTLS certificates from AppViewX. Once installed the script verifies the certificate chain and displays the certificate serial number which can be cross verified in the AppViewX CERT+ inventory.

Run the below shell script.


tar -cvzf ./01-Apr-2021-12:43:51.tar.gz 01-Apr-2021-12:43:51/