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AnnaDB CPP-Client

AnnaDB LogoAndISO_C++_Logo.svg.png

This is a C++ driver built for type-safe query creation.

AnnaDB uses a custom query language called TySON


Test library

  • googletest


  • generated via doxygen under docs

local development

  • create a AnnaDB instance via docker-compose up access the DB via port 10001 on localhost

Which Version should I use

  • the major and minor version will match with these from AnnaDB
  • if AnnaDB has a Version like 1.3 then you should use the latest driver version between >= 1.3.0 and < 1.4.0 as patch versions will not match

How to use

1. Create a connection to AnnaDB

#include "connection.hpp"

annadb::AnnaDB con {"jondoe", "passwd1234", "localhost", 10001};

// do something


2. Make a query to AnnaDB

#include "connection.hpp"
// ...
auto answer = con.send("collection|test_journal|:insert[s|foo|,"
// ...

3. Inspect the AnnaDB result

  • the annadb::Journal class
// ...

// you need to check, cause Journal is an optional
if (answer) 
    // annadb::Journal contains two members to get information from the query
    // the data and the meta information
    const auto data_information = answer.value().data();
    const auto meta_information = answer.value().meta();
// ...