released this
26 Nov 21:08
77 commits
to develop
since this release
# Uncomment the ones you wish to build
# - ttf-iosevka-custom-git
- ttf-iosevka-term-custom-git
# - ttf-iosevka-quasi-proportional-custom-git
# - ttf-iosevka-git
# - ttf-iosevka-fixed-custom-git
# - ttf-iosevka-fontconfig-mono-custom-git
# - ttf-iosevka-quasi-proportional-extension-only-custom-git
# No need to change this list
- normal
# ^ some wide glyphs
- term
# ^ fewer wide glyphs
- fontconfig-mono
# ^ no wide glyphs
- fixed
# ^ neither wide glyphs nor ligatures
- quasi-proportional
# ^ non-mono
- quasi-proportional-extension-only
# ^ non-mono without making anything narrower (e.g. "i" is still wide)
build_webfonts: no
use_custom_weights: yes
contextual_widths: yes
branch: dev
default: 400
override: 600
default: 700
override: 800
digit-form: old-style
apl-form: enable
capital-a: curly-serifless
capital-b: standard-interrupted-bilateral-serifed
capital-c: serifless
capital-d: more-rounded-unilateral-serifed
capital-e: serifless
capital-f: top-left-serifed
capital-g: toothless-corner-serifless-hooked
capital-h: serifless
capital-i: short-serifed
capital-j: serifless
capital-k: curly-top-left-serifed
capital-l: serifless
capital-m: hanging-motion-serifed
capital-n: standard-serifless
capital-p: closed-motion-serifed
capital-q: open-swash
capital-r: straight-open-serifless
capital-s: serifless
capital-t: serifless
capital-u: toothless-rounded-serifless
capital-v: curly-serifless
capital-w: straight-asymmetric-serifless
capital-x: curly-serifless
capital-y: curly-serifless
capital-z: straight-serifless-with-crossbar
a: double-storey-tailed
b: toothless-corner-serifless
c: serifless
d: tailed-serifless
e: rounded
f: flat-hook-tailed
g: double-storey-open
h: straight-serifless
i: hooky
j: serifless
k: curly-serifless
l: flat-tailed
m: short-leg-serifless
n: earless-corner-tailed-serifless
p: eared-motion-serifed
q: earless-corner-diagonal-tailed-serifless
r: corner-hooked-serifless
s: serifless
t: bent-hook
u: toothless-rounded-serifless
v: curly-serifless
w: cursive-serifless
x: curly-serifless
y: curly-serifless
z: straight-serifless-with-crossbar
long-s: flat-hook-tailed
eszet: longs-s-lig-tailed-serifless
lower-eth: straight-bar
lower-thorn: serifed
lower-alpha: crossing
capital-gamma: bottom-serifed
capital-delta: curly
lower-delta: rounded
lower-iota: tailed-serifed
capital-lambda: curly-top-serifed
lower-lambda: tailed-turn
lower-mu: tailed-serifless
lower-xi: flat-top
lower-pi: tailed
lower-tau: flat-tailed
lower-chi: semi-chancery-straight
cyrl-capital-zhe: curly
cyrl-zhe: curly
cyrl-capital-ze: unilateral-serifed
cyrl-ze: unilateral-serifed
cyrl-capital-ka: curly-serifless
cyrl-ka: curly-serifless
cyrl-el: straight
cyrl-em: slanted-sides-hanging-serifed
cyrl-en: tailed-top-left-serifed
cyrl-er: earless-rounded-serifless
cyrl-capital-u: cursive-flat-hook-serifless
cyrl-u: cursive-flat-hook-serifless
cyrl-ef: cursive
cyrl-che: tailed
cyrl-yeri: round
cyrl-yery: round
cyrl-capital-ya: straight-motion-serifed
cyrl-ya: straight-tailed-motion-serifed
zero: diamond-unslashed
one: no-base
two: curly-neck
three: flat-top
four: semi-open
five: oblique-arched
six: open-contour
seven: curly-serifless
eight: crossing-asymmetric
nine: straight-bar
diacritic-dot: round
punctuation-dot: round
tilde: low
asterisk: turn-hex-high
underscore: high
caret: high
paren: normal
brace: curly
number-sign: upright-tall
ampersand: flat-top
at: fourfold-solid-inner-tall
dollar: open-cap
percent: rings-segmented-slash
bar: natural-slope
ascii-single-quote: raised-comma
ascii-grave: straight
question: smooth
pilcrow: low
cent: open-cap
partial-derivative: curly-bar
micro-sign: toothed-serifless
guillemet: curly
lig-ltgteq: flat
lig-neq: slightly-slanted
lig-equal-chain: with-notch
lig-hyphen-chain: with-notch
lig-double-arrow-bar: with-notch
lig-single-arrow-bar: with-notch
family = "Iosevka Custom"
exportGlyphNames = false
buildTextureFeature = true
spacing = "normal"
inherits = "dlig"
# disables = []
# enables = []
# [buildPlans.IosevkaCustom.variants]
# inherits = "ss16"
digit-form = "old-style"
apl-form = "enable"
capital-a = "curly-serifless"
capital-b = "standard-interrupted-bilateral-serifed"
capital-c = "serifless"
capital-d = "more-rounded-unilateral-serifed"
capital-e = "serifless"
capital-f = "top-left-serifed"
capital-g = "toothless-corner-serifless-hooked"
capital-h = "serifless"
capital-i = "short-serifed"
capital-j = "serifless"
capital-k = "curly-top-left-serifed"
capital-l = "serifless"
capital-m = "hanging-motion-serifed"
capital-n = "standard-serifless"
capital-p = "closed-motion-serifed"
capital-q = "open-swash"
capital-r = "straight-open-serifless"
capital-s = "serifless"
capital-t = "serifless"
capital-u = "toothless-rounded-serifless"
capital-v = "curly-serifless"
capital-w = "straight-asymmetric-serifless"
capital-x = "curly-serifless"
capital-y = "curly-serifless"
capital-z = "straight-serifless-with-crossbar"
a = "double-storey-tailed"
b = "toothless-corner-serifless"
c = "serifless"
d = "tailed-serifless"
e = "rounded"
f = "flat-hook-tailed"
g = "double-storey-open"
h = "straight-serifless"
i = "hooky"
j = "serifless"
k = "curly-serifless"
l = "flat-tailed"
m = "short-leg-serifless"
n = "earless-corner-tailed-serifless"
p = "eared-motion-serifed"
q = "earless-corner-diagonal-tailed-serifless"
r = "corner-hooked-serifless"
s = "serifless"
t = "bent-hook"
u = "toothless-rounded-serifless"
v = "curly-serifless"
w = "cursive-serifless"
x = "curly-serifless"
y = "curly-serifless"
z = "straight-serifless-with-crossbar"
long-s = "flat-hook-tailed"
eszet = "longs-s-lig-tailed-serifless"
lower-eth = "straight-bar"
lower-thorn = "serifed"
lower-alpha = "crossing"
capital-gamma = "bottom-serifed"
capital-delta = "curly"
lower-delta = "rounded"
lower-iota = "tailed-serifed"
capital-lambda = "curly-top-serifed"
lower-lambda = "tailed-turn"
lower-mu = "tailed-serifless"
lower-xi = "flat-top"
lower-pi = "tailed"
lower-tau = "flat-tailed"
lower-chi = "semi-chancery-straight"
cyrl-capital-zhe = "curly"
cyrl-zhe = "curly"
cyrl-capital-ze = "unilateral-serifed"
cyrl-ze = "unilateral-serifed"
cyrl-capital-ka = "curly-serifless"
cyrl-ka = "curly-serifless"
cyrl-el = "straight"
cyrl-em = "slanted-sides-hanging-serifed"
cyrl-en = "tailed-top-left-serifed"
cyrl-er = "earless-rounded-serifless"
cyrl-capital-u = "cursive-flat-hook-serifless"
cyrl-u = "cursive-flat-hook-serifless"
cyrl-ef = "cursive"
cyrl-che = "tailed"
cyrl-yeri = "round"
cyrl-yery = "round"
cyrl-capital-ya = "straight-motion-serifed"
cyrl-ya = "straight-tailed-motion-serifed"
zero = "diamond-unslashed"
one = "no-base"
two = "curly-neck"
three = "flat-top"
four = "semi-open"
five = "oblique-arched"
six = "open-contour"
seven = "curly-serifless"
eight = "crossing-asymmetric"
nine = "straight-bar"
diacritic-dot = "round"
punctuation-dot = "round"
tilde = "low"
asterisk = "turn-hex-high"
underscore = "high"
caret = "high"
paren = "normal"
brace = "curly"
number-sign = "upright-tall"
ampersand = "flat-top"
at = "fourfold-solid-inner-tall"
dollar = "open-cap"
percent = "rings-segmented-slash"
bar = "natural-slope"
ascii-single-quote = "raised-comma"
ascii-grave = "straight"
question = "smooth"
pilcrow = "low"
cent = "open-cap"
partial-derivative = "curly-bar"
micro-sign = "toothed-serifless"
guillemet = "curly"
lig-ltgteq = "flat"
lig-neq = "slightly-slanted"
lig-equal-chain = "with-notch"
lig-hyphen-chain = "with-notch"
lig-double-arrow-bar = "with-notch"
lig-single-arrow-bar = "with-notch"
# Override above variants for each slope:
# [buildPlans.IosevkaCustom.variants.upright]
# [buildPlans.IosevkaCustom.variants.italic]
shape = 600
menu = 400
css = 400
shape = 800
menu = 700
css = 700
angle = 0
shape = "upright"
menu = "upright"
css = "normal"
# [buildPlans.IosevkaCustom.slopes.Oblique]
# angle = 9.4
# shape = "oblique"
# menu = "oblique"
# css = "oblique"
angle = 9.4
shape = "italic"
menu = "italic"
css = "italic"
family = "Iosevka Term Custom"
exportGlyphNames = false
buildTextureFeature = true
spacing = "term"
inherits = "dlig"
# disables = []
# enables = []
# [buildPlans.IosevkaTermCustom.variants]
# inherits = "ss16"
digit-form = "old-style"
apl-form = "enable"
capital-a = "curly-serifless"
capital-b = "standard-interrupted-bilateral-serifed"
capital-c = "serifless"
capital-d = "more-rounded-unilateral-serifed"
capital-e = "serifless"
capital-f = "top-left-serifed"
capital-g = "toothless-corner-serifless-hooked"
capital-h = "serifless"
capital-i = "short-serifed"
capital-j = "serifless"
capital-k = "curly-top-left-serifed"
capital-l = "serifless"
capital-m = "hanging-motion-serifed"
capital-n = "standard-serifless"
capital-p = "closed-motion-serifed"
capital-q = "open-swash"
capital-r = "straight-open-serifless"
capital-s = "serifless"
capital-t = "serifless"
capital-u = "toothless-rounded-serifless"
capital-v = "curly-serifless"
capital-w = "straight-asymmetric-serifless"
capital-x = "curly-serifless"
capital-y = "curly-serifless"
capital-z = "straight-serifless-with-crossbar"
a = "double-storey-tailed"
b = "toothless-corner-serifless"
c = "serifless"
d = "tailed-serifless"
e = "rounded"
f = "flat-hook-tailed"
g = "double-storey-open"
h = "straight-serifless"
i = "hooky"
j = "serifless"
k = "curly-serifless"
l = "flat-tailed"
m = "short-leg-serifless"
n = "earless-corner-tailed-serifless"
p = "eared-motion-serifed"
q = "earless-corner-diagonal-tailed-serifless"
r = "corner-hooked-serifless"
s = "serifless"
t = "bent-hook"
u = "toothless-rounded-serifless"
v = "curly-serifless"
w = "cursive-serifless"
x = "curly-serifless"
y = "curly-serifless"
z = "straight-serifless-with-crossbar"
long-s = "flat-hook-tailed"
eszet = "longs-s-lig-tailed-serifless"
lower-eth = "straight-bar"
lower-thorn = "serifed"
lower-alpha = "crossing"
capital-gamma = "bottom-serifed"
capital-delta = "curly"
lower-delta = "rounded"
lower-iota = "tailed-serifed"
capital-lambda = "curly-top-serifed"
lower-lambda = "tailed-turn"
lower-mu = "tailed-serifless"
lower-xi = "flat-top"
lower-pi = "tailed"
lower-tau = "flat-tailed"
lower-chi = "semi-chancery-straight"
cyrl-capital-zhe = "curly"
cyrl-zhe = "curly"
cyrl-capital-ze = "unilateral-serifed"
cyrl-ze = "unilateral-serifed"
cyrl-capital-ka = "curly-serifless"
cyrl-ka = "curly-serifless"
cyrl-el = "straight"
cyrl-em = "slanted-sides-hanging-serifed"
cyrl-en = "tailed-top-left-serifed"
cyrl-er = "earless-rounded-serifless"
cyrl-capital-u = "cursive-flat-hook-serifless"
cyrl-u = "cursive-flat-hook-serifless"
cyrl-ef = "cursive"
cyrl-che = "tailed"
cyrl-yeri = "round"
cyrl-yery = "round"
cyrl-capital-ya = "straight-motion-serifed"
cyrl-ya = "straight-tailed-motion-serifed"
zero = "diamond-unslashed"
one = "no-base"
two = "curly-neck"
three = "flat-top"
four = "semi-open"
five = "oblique-arched"
six = "open-contour"
seven = "curly-serifless"
eight = "crossing-asymmetric"
nine = "straight-bar"
diacritic-dot = "round"
punctuation-dot = "round"
tilde = "low"
asterisk = "turn-hex-high"
underscore = "high"
caret = "high"
paren = "normal"
brace = "curly"
number-sign = "upright-tall"
ampersand = "flat-top"
at = "fourfold-solid-inner-tall"
dollar = "open-cap"
percent = "rings-segmented-slash"
bar = "natural-slope"
ascii-single-quote = "raised-comma"
ascii-grave = "straight"
question = "smooth"
pilcrow = "low"
cent = "open-cap"
partial-derivative = "curly-bar"
micro-sign = "toothed-serifless"
guillemet = "curly"
lig-ltgteq = "flat"
lig-neq = "slightly-slanted"
lig-equal-chain = "with-notch"
lig-hyphen-chain = "with-notch"
lig-double-arrow-bar = "with-notch"
lig-single-arrow-bar = "with-notch"
# Override above variants for each slope:
# [buildPlans.IosevkaTermCustom.variants.upright]
# [buildPlans.IosevkaTermCustom.variants.italic]
shape = 600
menu = 400
css = 400
shape = 800
menu = 700
css = 700
angle = 0
shape = "upright"
menu = "upright"
css = "normal"
# [buildPlans.IosevkaTermCustom.slopes.Oblique]
# angle = 9.4
# shape = "oblique"
# menu = "oblique"
# css = "oblique"
angle = 9.4
shape = "italic"
menu = "italic"
css = "italic"
family = "Iosevka FCM Custom"
exportGlyphNames = false
buildTextureFeature = true
spacing = "fontconfig-mono"
inherits = "dlig"
# disables = []
# enables = []
# [buildPlans.IosevkaFcmCustom.variants]
# inherits = "ss16"
digit-form = "old-style"
apl-form = "enable"
capital-a = "curly-serifless"
capital-b = "standard-interrupted-bilateral-serifed"
capital-c = "serifless"
capital-d = "more-rounded-unilateral-serifed"
capital-e = "serifless"
capital-f = "top-left-serifed"
capital-g = "toothless-corner-serifless-hooked"
capital-h = "serifless"
capital-i = "short-serifed"
capital-j = "serifless"
capital-k = "curly-top-left-serifed"
capital-l = "serifless"
capital-m = "hanging-motion-serifed"
capital-n = "standard-serifless"
capital-p = "closed-motion-serifed"
capital-q = "open-swash"
capital-r = "straight-open-serifless"
capital-s = "serifless"
capital-t = "serifless"
capital-u = "toothless-rounded-serifless"
capital-v = "curly-serifless"
capital-w = "straight-asymmetric-serifless"
capital-x = "curly-serifless"
capital-y = "curly-serifless"
capital-z = "straight-serifless-with-crossbar"
a = "double-storey-tailed"
b = "toothless-corner-serifless"
c = "serifless"
d = "tailed-serifless"
e = "rounded"
f = "flat-hook-tailed"
g = "double-storey-open"
h = "straight-serifless"
i = "hooky"
j = "serifless"
k = "curly-serifless"
l = "flat-tailed"
m = "short-leg-serifless"
n = "earless-corner-tailed-serifless"
p = "eared-motion-serifed"
q = "earless-corner-diagonal-tailed-serifless"
r = "corner-hooked-serifless"
s = "serifless"
t = "bent-hook"
u = "toothless-rounded-serifless"
v = "curly-serifless"
w = "cursive-serifless"
x = "curly-serifless"
y = "curly-serifless"
z = "straight-serifless-with-crossbar"
long-s = "flat-hook-tailed"
eszet = "longs-s-lig-tailed-serifless"
lower-eth = "straight-bar"
lower-thorn = "serifed"
lower-alpha = "crossing"
capital-gamma = "bottom-serifed"
capital-delta = "curly"
lower-delta = "rounded"
lower-iota = "tailed-serifed"
capital-lambda = "curly-top-serifed"
lower-lambda = "tailed-turn"
lower-mu = "tailed-serifless"
lower-xi = "flat-top"
lower-pi = "tailed"
lower-tau = "flat-tailed"
lower-chi = "semi-chancery-straight"
cyrl-capital-zhe = "curly"
cyrl-zhe = "curly"
cyrl-capital-ze = "unilateral-serifed"
cyrl-ze = "unilateral-serifed"
cyrl-capital-ka = "curly-serifless"
cyrl-ka = "curly-serifless"
cyrl-el = "straight"
cyrl-em = "slanted-sides-hanging-serifed"
cyrl-en = "tailed-top-left-serifed"
cyrl-er = "earless-rounded-serifless"
cyrl-capital-u = "cursive-flat-hook-serifless"
cyrl-u = "cursive-flat-hook-serifless"
cyrl-ef = "cursive"
cyrl-che = "tailed"
cyrl-yeri = "round"
cyrl-yery = "round"
cyrl-capital-ya = "straight-motion-serifed"
cyrl-ya = "straight-tailed-motion-serifed"
zero = "diamond-unslashed"
one = "no-base"
two = "curly-neck"
three = "flat-top"
four = "semi-open"
five = "oblique-arched"
six = "open-contour"
seven = "curly-serifless"
eight = "crossing-asymmetric"
nine = "straight-bar"
diacritic-dot = "round"
punctuation-dot = "round"
tilde = "low"
asterisk = "turn-hex-high"
underscore = "high"
caret = "high"
paren = "normal"
brace = "curly"
number-sign = "upright-tall"
ampersand = "flat-top"
at = "fourfold-solid-inner-tall"
dollar = "open-cap"
percent = "rings-segmented-slash"
bar = "natural-slope"
ascii-single-quote = "raised-comma"
ascii-grave = "straight"
question = "smooth"
pilcrow = "low"
cent = "open-cap"
partial-derivative = "curly-bar"
micro-sign = "toothed-serifless"
guillemet = "curly"
lig-ltgteq = "flat"
lig-neq = "slightly-slanted"
lig-equal-chain = "with-notch"
lig-hyphen-chain = "with-notch"
lig-double-arrow-bar = "with-notch"
lig-single-arrow-bar = "with-notch"
# Override above variants for each slope:
# [buildPlans.IosevkaFcmCustom.variants.upright]
# [buildPlans.IosevkaFcmCustom.variants.italic]
shape = 600
menu = 400
css = 400
shape = 800
menu = 700
css = 700
angle = 0
shape = "upright"
menu = "upright"
css = "normal"
# [buildPlans.IosevkaFcmCustom.slopes.Oblique]
# angle = 9.4
# shape = "oblique"
# menu = "oblique"
# css = "oblique"
angle = 9.4
shape = "italic"
menu = "italic"
css = "italic"
family = "Iosevka Fixed Custom"
exportGlyphNames = false
buildTextureFeature = true
spacing = "fixed"
inherits = "dlig"
# disables = []
# enables = []
# [buildPlans.IosevkaFixedCustom.variants]
# inherits = "ss16"
digit-form = "old-style"
apl-form = "enable"
capital-a = "curly-serifless"
capital-b = "standard-interrupted-bilateral-serifed"
capital-c = "serifless"
capital-d = "more-rounded-unilateral-serifed"
capital-e = "serifless"
capital-f = "top-left-serifed"
capital-g = "toothless-corner-serifless-hooked"
capital-h = "serifless"
capital-i = "short-serifed"
capital-j = "serifless"
capital-k = "curly-top-left-serifed"
capital-l = "serifless"
capital-m = "hanging-motion-serifed"
capital-n = "standard-serifless"
capital-p = "closed-motion-serifed"
capital-q = "open-swash"
capital-r = "straight-open-serifless"
capital-s = "serifless"
capital-t = "serifless"
capital-u = "toothless-rounded-serifless"
capital-v = "curly-serifless"
capital-w = "straight-asymmetric-serifless"
capital-x = "curly-serifless"
capital-y = "curly-serifless"
capital-z = "straight-serifless-with-crossbar"
a = "double-storey-tailed"
b = "toothless-corner-serifless"
c = "serifless"
d = "tailed-serifless"
e = "rounded"
f = "flat-hook-tailed"
g = "double-storey-open"
h = "straight-serifless"
i = "hooky"
j = "serifless"
k = "curly-serifless"
l = "flat-tailed"
m = "short-leg-serifless"
n = "earless-corner-tailed-serifless"
p = "eared-motion-serifed"
q = "earless-corner-diagonal-tailed-serifless"
r = "corner-hooked-serifless"
s = "serifless"
t = "bent-hook"
u = "toothless-rounded-serifless"
v = "curly-serifless"
w = "cursive-serifless"
x = "curly-serifless"
y = "curly-serifless"
z = "straight-serifless-with-crossbar"
long-s = "flat-hook-tailed"
eszet = "longs-s-lig-tailed-serifless"
lower-eth = "straight-bar"
lower-thorn = "serifed"
lower-alpha = "crossing"
capital-gamma = "bottom-serifed"
capital-delta = "curly"
lower-delta = "rounded"
lower-iota = "tailed-serifed"
capital-lambda = "curly-top-serifed"
lower-lambda = "tailed-turn"
lower-mu = "tailed-serifless"
lower-xi = "flat-top"
lower-pi = "tailed"
lower-tau = "flat-tailed"
lower-chi = "semi-chancery-straight"
cyrl-capital-zhe = "curly"
cyrl-zhe = "curly"
cyrl-capital-ze = "unilateral-serifed"
cyrl-ze = "unilateral-serifed"
cyrl-capital-ka = "curly-serifless"
cyrl-ka = "curly-serifless"
cyrl-el = "straight"
cyrl-em = "slanted-sides-hanging-serifed"
cyrl-en = "tailed-top-left-serifed"
cyrl-er = "earless-rounded-serifless"
cyrl-capital-u = "cursive-flat-hook-serifless"
cyrl-u = "cursive-flat-hook-serifless"
cyrl-ef = "cursive"
cyrl-che = "tailed"
cyrl-yeri = "round"
cyrl-yery = "round"
cyrl-capital-ya = "straight-motion-serifed"
cyrl-ya = "straight-tailed-motion-serifed"
zero = "diamond-unslashed"
one = "no-base"
two = "curly-neck"
three = "flat-top"
four = "semi-open"
five = "oblique-arched"
six = "open-contour"
seven = "curly-serifless"
eight = "crossing-asymmetric"
nine = "straight-bar"
diacritic-dot = "round"
punctuation-dot = "round"
tilde = "low"
asterisk = "turn-hex-high"
underscore = "high"
caret = "high"
paren = "normal"
brace = "curly"
number-sign = "upright-tall"
ampersand = "flat-top"
at = "fourfold-solid-inner-tall"
dollar = "open-cap"
percent = "rings-segmented-slash"
bar = "natural-slope"
ascii-single-quote = "raised-comma"
ascii-grave = "straight"
question = "smooth"
pilcrow = "low"
cent = "open-cap"
partial-derivative = "curly-bar"
micro-sign = "toothed-serifless"
guillemet = "curly"
lig-ltgteq = "flat"
lig-neq = "slightly-slanted"
lig-equal-chain = "with-notch"
lig-hyphen-chain = "with-notch"
lig-double-arrow-bar = "with-notch"
lig-single-arrow-bar = "with-notch"
# Override above variants for each slope:
# [buildPlans.IosevkaFixedCustom.variants.upright]
# [buildPlans.IosevkaFixedCustom.variants.italic]
shape = 600
menu = 400
css = 400
shape = 800
menu = 700
css = 700
angle = 0
shape = "upright"
menu = "upright"
css = "normal"
# [buildPlans.IosevkaFixedCustom.slopes.Oblique]
# angle = 9.4
# shape = "oblique"
# menu = "oblique"
# css = "oblique"
angle = 9.4
shape = "italic"
menu = "italic"
css = "italic"
family = "Iosevka QP Custom"
exportGlyphNames = false
buildTextureFeature = true
spacing = "quasi-proportional"
inherits = "dlig"
# disables = []
# enables = []
# [buildPlans.IosevkaQpCustom.variants]
# inherits = "ss16"
digit-form = "old-style"
apl-form = "enable"
capital-a = "curly-serifless"
capital-b = "standard-interrupted-bilateral-serifed"
capital-c = "serifless"
capital-d = "more-rounded-unilateral-serifed"
capital-e = "serifless"
capital-f = "top-left-serifed"
capital-g = "toothless-corner-serifless-hooked"
capital-h = "serifless"
capital-i = "short-serifed"
capital-j = "serifless"
capital-k = "curly-top-left-serifed"
capital-l = "serifless"
capital-m = "hanging-motion-serifed"
capital-n = "standard-serifless"
capital-p = "closed-motion-serifed"
capital-q = "open-swash"
capital-r = "straight-open-serifless"
capital-s = "serifless"
capital-t = "serifless"
capital-u = "toothless-rounded-serifless"
capital-v = "curly-serifless"
capital-w = "straight-asymmetric-serifless"
capital-x = "curly-serifless"
capital-y = "curly-serifless"
capital-z = "straight-serifless-with-crossbar"
a = "double-storey-tailed"
b = "toothless-corner-serifless"
c = "serifless"
d = "tailed-serifless"
e = "rounded"
f = "flat-hook-tailed"
g = "double-storey-open"
h = "straight-serifless"
i = "hooky"
j = "serifless"
k = "curly-serifless"
l = "flat-tailed"
m = "short-leg-serifless"
n = "earless-corner-tailed-serifless"
p = "eared-motion-serifed"
q = "earless-corner-diagonal-tailed-serifless"
r = "corner-hooked-serifless"
s = "serifless"
t = "bent-hook"
u = "toothless-rounded-serifless"
v = "curly-serifless"
w = "cursive-serifless"
x = "curly-serifless"
y = "curly-serifless"
z = "straight-serifless-with-crossbar"
long-s = "flat-hook-tailed"
eszet = "longs-s-lig-tailed-serifless"
lower-eth = "straight-bar"
lower-thorn = "serifed"
lower-alpha = "crossing"
capital-gamma = "bottom-serifed"
capital-delta = "curly"
lower-delta = "rounded"
lower-iota = "tailed-serifed"
capital-lambda = "curly-top-serifed"
lower-lambda = "tailed-turn"
lower-mu = "tailed-serifless"
lower-xi = "flat-top"
lower-pi = "tailed"
lower-tau = "flat-tailed"
lower-chi = "semi-chancery-straight"
cyrl-capital-zhe = "curly"
cyrl-zhe = "curly"
cyrl-capital-ze = "unilateral-serifed"
cyrl-ze = "unilateral-serifed"
cyrl-capital-ka = "curly-serifless"
cyrl-ka = "curly-serifless"
cyrl-el = "straight"
cyrl-em = "slanted-sides-hanging-serifed"
cyrl-en = "tailed-top-left-serifed"
cyrl-er = "earless-rounded-serifless"
cyrl-capital-u = "cursive-flat-hook-serifless"
cyrl-u = "cursive-flat-hook-serifless"
cyrl-ef = "cursive"
cyrl-che = "tailed"
cyrl-yeri = "round"
cyrl-yery = "round"
cyrl-capital-ya = "straight-motion-serifed"
cyrl-ya = "straight-tailed-motion-serifed"
zero = "diamond-unslashed"
one = "no-base"
two = "curly-neck"
three = "flat-top"
four = "semi-open"
five = "oblique-arched"
six = "open-contour"
seven = "curly-serifless"
eight = "crossing-asymmetric"
nine = "straight-bar"
diacritic-dot = "round"
punctuation-dot = "round"
tilde = "low"
asterisk = "turn-hex-high"
underscore = "high"
caret = "high"
paren = "normal"
brace = "curly"
number-sign = "upright-tall"
ampersand = "flat-top"
at = "fourfold-solid-inner-tall"
dollar = "open-cap"
percent = "rings-segmented-slash"
bar = "natural-slope"
ascii-single-quote = "raised-comma"
ascii-grave = "straight"
question = "smooth"
pilcrow = "low"
cent = "open-cap"
partial-derivative = "curly-bar"
micro-sign = "toothed-serifless"
guillemet = "curly"
lig-ltgteq = "flat"
lig-neq = "slightly-slanted"
lig-equal-chain = "with-notch"
lig-hyphen-chain = "with-notch"
lig-double-arrow-bar = "with-notch"
lig-single-arrow-bar = "with-notch"
# Override above variants for each slope:
# [buildPlans.IosevkaQpCustom.variants.upright]
# [buildPlans.IosevkaQpCustom.variants.italic]
shape = 600
menu = 400
css = 400
shape = 800
menu = 700
css = 700
angle = 0
shape = "upright"
menu = "upright"
css = "normal"
# [buildPlans.IosevkaQpCustom.slopes.Oblique]
# angle = 9.4
# shape = "oblique"
# menu = "oblique"
# css = "oblique"
angle = 9.4
shape = "italic"
menu = "italic"
css = "italic"
family = "Iosevka QPE Custom"
exportGlyphNames = false
buildTextureFeature = true
spacing = "quasi-proportional-extension-only"
inherits = "dlig"
# disables = []
# enables = []
# [buildPlans.IosevkaQpeCustom.variants]
# inherits = "ss16"
digit-form = "old-style"
apl-form = "enable"
capital-a = "curly-serifless"
capital-b = "standard-interrupted-bilateral-serifed"
capital-c = "serifless"
capital-d = "more-rounded-unilateral-serifed"
capital-e = "serifless"
capital-f = "top-left-serifed"
capital-g = "toothless-corner-serifless-hooked"
capital-h = "serifless"
capital-i = "short-serifed"
capital-j = "serifless"
capital-k = "curly-top-left-serifed"
capital-l = "serifless"
capital-m = "hanging-motion-serifed"
capital-n = "standard-serifless"
capital-p = "closed-motion-serifed"
capital-q = "open-swash"
capital-r = "straight-open-serifless"
capital-s = "serifless"
capital-t = "serifless"
capital-u = "toothless-rounded-serifless"
capital-v = "curly-serifless"
capital-w = "straight-asymmetric-serifless"
capital-x = "curly-serifless"
capital-y = "curly-serifless"
capital-z = "straight-serifless-with-crossbar"
a = "double-storey-tailed"
b = "toothless-corner-serifless"
c = "serifless"
d = "tailed-serifless"
e = "rounded"
f = "flat-hook-tailed"
g = "double-storey-open"
h = "straight-serifless"
i = "hooky"
j = "serifless"
k = "curly-serifless"
l = "flat-tailed"
m = "short-leg-serifless"
n = "earless-corner-tailed-serifless"
p = "eared-motion-serifed"
q = "earless-corner-diagonal-tailed-serifless"
r = "corner-hooked-serifless"
s = "serifless"
t = "bent-hook"
u = "toothless-rounded-serifless"
v = "curly-serifless"
w = "cursive-serifless"
x = "curly-serifless"
y = "curly-serifless"
z = "straight-serifless-with-crossbar"
long-s = "flat-hook-tailed"
eszet = "longs-s-lig-tailed-serifless"
lower-eth = "straight-bar"
lower-thorn = "serifed"
lower-alpha = "crossing"
capital-gamma = "bottom-serifed"
capital-delta = "curly"
lower-delta = "rounded"
lower-iota = "tailed-serifed"
capital-lambda = "curly-top-serifed"
lower-lambda = "tailed-turn"
lower-mu = "tailed-serifless"
lower-xi = "flat-top"
lower-pi = "tailed"
lower-tau = "flat-tailed"
lower-chi = "semi-chancery-straight"
cyrl-capital-zhe = "curly"
cyrl-zhe = "curly"
cyrl-capital-ze = "unilateral-serifed"
cyrl-ze = "unilateral-serifed"
cyrl-capital-ka = "curly-serifless"
cyrl-ka = "curly-serifless"
cyrl-el = "straight"
cyrl-em = "slanted-sides-hanging-serifed"
cyrl-en = "tailed-top-left-serifed"
cyrl-er = "earless-rounded-serifless"
cyrl-capital-u = "cursive-flat-hook-serifless"
cyrl-u = "cursive-flat-hook-serifless"
cyrl-ef = "cursive"
cyrl-che = "tailed"
cyrl-yeri = "round"
cyrl-yery = "round"
cyrl-capital-ya = "straight-motion-serifed"
cyrl-ya = "straight-tailed-motion-serifed"
zero = "diamond-unslashed"
one = "no-base"
two = "curly-neck"
three = "flat-top"
four = "semi-open"
five = "oblique-arched"
six = "open-contour"
seven = "curly-serifless"
eight = "crossing-asymmetric"
nine = "straight-bar"
diacritic-dot = "round"
punctuation-dot = "round"
tilde = "low"
asterisk = "turn-hex-high"
underscore = "high"
caret = "high"
paren = "normal"
brace = "curly"
number-sign = "upright-tall"
ampersand = "flat-top"
at = "fourfold-solid-inner-tall"
dollar = "open-cap"
percent = "rings-segmented-slash"
bar = "natural-slope"
ascii-single-quote = "raised-comma"
ascii-grave = "straight"
question = "smooth"
pilcrow = "low"
cent = "open-cap"
partial-derivative = "curly-bar"
micro-sign = "toothed-serifless"
guillemet = "curly"
lig-ltgteq = "flat"
lig-neq = "slightly-slanted"
lig-equal-chain = "with-notch"
lig-hyphen-chain = "with-notch"
lig-double-arrow-bar = "with-notch"
lig-single-arrow-bar = "with-notch"
# Override above variants for each slope:
# [buildPlans.IosevkaQpeCustom.variants.upright]
# [buildPlans.IosevkaQpeCustom.variants.italic]
shape = 600
menu = 400
css = 400
shape = 800
menu = 700
css = 700
angle = 0
shape = "upright"
menu = "upright"
css = "normal"
# [buildPlans.IosevkaQpeCustom.slopes.Oblique]
# angle = 9.4
# shape = "oblique"
# menu = "oblique"
# css = "oblique"
angle = 9.4
shape = "italic"
menu = "italic"
css = "italic"