Created a Distance Vector Algorithm for .NET framework. The purpose of this program is to implement a Distance Vector Routing Protocol in c# This project will eventually become a .NET library for finding distances between routers.
in your terminal launch mono DistanceVector.exe <router name>
for n routers
Compile project in terminal mcs *.cs -out:DistanceVector.exe
Program.cs is the main script that creates the router nodes in the network. In program its set up for a network size of 5, you can change it to whatever you want. Takes size n (in this case 5) arguments each representing the routers name.
Router.cs Contains the distance vector routing algorithm. The router compares its own distance vector table with other incoming distance vector tables and takes the shortest path.
Neighbor.cs Wraps the information about a router inside a class. It reuses info from the router, so the class can be removed in the future to optimize the program.
Broadcaster.cs This class sends a packet from one router to another.