A Django-powered API for handling shufflebox consumption client requests
- Django: The web framework for perfectionists with deadlines (Django builds better web apps with less code).
- Django Rest Framework: A powerful and flexible toolkit for building web APIs.
- Minor dependencies can be found in the requirements.txt file on the root folder.
If you wish to run your own build, first ensure you have python3 globally installed in your computer. If not, you can get python3 here.
After this, ensure you have installed virtualenv globally as well. If not, run this:
$ pip install virtualenv
Git clone this repo to your PC
$ git clone [email protected]:AndelaOSP/shufflebox-backend.git
Cd into your the cloned repo as such:
$ cd shufflebox-backend
Create and fire up your virtual environment in python3:
$ virtualenv -p python3 env $ source env/bin/activate
Install dependencies stored in the requirements text file:
$ pip install -r requirements.txt
Create a .env file and add the following:
SECRET_KEY=<Your-Secret-Key> DB_USER=<Your-username> DB_PASSWORD=<Your-password> JWT_TOKEN=<YOUR JWT TOKEN> DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE=<Path to settings file e.g core.settings.production> USER_API_TOKEN=<Bearer token> USER_SERVICE_URL=<url-for-andela-user-microservice> FILTER_PARAMS=<filter-to-query-users-from-microservice> DEFAULT_FROM_EMAIL=<DEFAULT FROM EMAIL ADDRESS> ADMIN_NAME=<Admin name> e.g shufflebox SLACK_TOKEN=<Your slack token allowing you access to slack api> PNC_EMAIL=<Email to send unpaired person in secret santa> END_OF_YEAR_PARTY_DATE=<Date for the end of the year> e.g Friday: 15th December, 2017 MAILGUN_API_KEY=<Api key for your mailgun domain> MAILGUN_SENDER_DOMAIN=<Mailgun domain>
Save the file. You'll need it to keep sensitive info from the outside world, and make migrations work! 😄
On your psql console, create your database:
Then, make your Migrations
$ python3 manage.py makemigrations
Migrate your migrations to persist on the DB
$ python3 manage.py migrate
Finally, add seed data to your newly created database
- Required: Admin user for shufflebox(P&C)
$ python3 manage.py loaddata admin.json
- Optional: Initial data to populate your db
$ python3 manage.py loaddata initial_data.json
On your terminal, run the server using this one simple command:
$ python3 manage.py runserver
You can now access the app on your local browser by using
Endpoint | Description |
POST /api/shuffle/ | Shuffle according to request. Request contains "type":("hangout" or "brownbag" or "secretsanta") and "limit": (Integer) in raw json format |
GET /api/users/ | Get a list of users. |
GET /api/users/:id | Get a single profile for a user using a user ID. |
POST /api/brownbags/ | Create a single brownbag. Request should have date, status and user_id in form data |
GET /api/brownbags/ | Get a list of all created brownbags, inclusive of the one next-in-line. |
GET /api/brownbags/:id | Get a single brownbag. |
PUT /api/brownbags/:id | Update a single brownbag. |
DELETE /api/brownbags/:id | Delete a single brownbag. |
GET /api/brownbags/next/ | Get the next brownbag presenter. |
GET /api/brownbags/not_presented/ | Get all users who have not presented a brownbag. |
POST /api/hangouts/ | Create a single hangout group. Request should have date and members in form or raw json data. |
GET /api/hangouts/ | Get all created hangout groups. |
GET /api/hangouts/:id | Get a single hangout group using its id. |
PUT /api/hangouts/:id | Update a single hangout group. Request should have date and members in form or raw json data. |
DELETE /api/hangouts/:id | Delete a single hangout group. |
POST /api/santas/ | Create a single Secret Santa pair. |
GET /api/santas/ | Get a list of all Secret Santa pairs. |
GET /api/santa/:id | Get a single Secret Santa pair. |
POST /api/mail/ | Send out shuffle box emails. Request contains "type":("hangout" or "brownbag" or "secretsanta") |
GET /api/giftee/ | Get the giftee of the logged in user |