Discord Server: https://discord.gg/UVSVGf5auF
Discord Username: AnaheimDucks16#9692
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/c/AnaheimDucks16?sub_confirmation=1
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Anaheim_Ducks16
Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/anaheimducks16
Website: https://groupplayzdevs.wixsite.com/gpdevelopment
My favorite sport is hockey, I have been playing hockey for about 8 years now. I currently play roller and ice hockey. My favorite NHL team is the Anaheim Ducks which is why I have the username AnaheimDucks16. I also have another hobby which is coding Discord bots in Node.js, which I've been doing for about a little under a year. I got interested in coding by seeing what bots can do, it all started when I made a Youtube channel that needed a Discord server and we needed bots for the Discord server. So I decided to learn how to make one. I am currently in high school. Feel free to contact me through any of the links above! For the quickest response please email me at [email protected]
or by joining my Discord support server.
- Founder and Owner of the GroupPlayz Development:
I am the founder and owner of GroupPlayz Development, a Discord bots development team. Our public projects include Space Enforcer and Fun Rocket. They are both advanced verified public Discord bots. In total, they are serving over 300,000 users!
- Founder of the YouTube Channel, AnaheimDucks16:
So I oversee a YouTube channel with 700+ subscribers and 200,000+ on views. On this channel, I bring behind the scenes content of the Anaheim Ducks! Please check out my YouTube channel for the best Anaheim Ducks coverage, highlights, and more. You can watch some of our videos here, https://www.youtube.com/c/AnaheimDucks16?sub_confirmation=1. Don't forget to like and subscribe to my channel!
- And More!
Some of my current projects are Space Enforcer and Fun Rocket which are all verified public bots. You can get them on Top.gg and Discord.boats. While your there, please vote for them there. So Space Enforcer is an advanced customizable moderation bot for Discord. Has commands like lock channels, slowmode, mod logs, and much more! While Fun Rocket is an advanced customizable fun bot for Discord. Provides fun and interactive commands like image manipulation, memes, and more!
I am working on my Dinosaur Game which is inspired by Google Chrome's offline game. My Hawaii Travel Project is a website that encourages tourism to Hawaii while demonstrating CSS and HTML skills. My Coral Bleaching website shows the effects of coral bleaching on the environment and how you can stop it.
If you would like to support some of my projects, please message me on Discord for more info. Thank you in advance for your donation.
Thanks for reading! Hope you learned some stuff about me! Don't forget to reach out to me if you have any questions or concerns.
Note: Top languages don't reflect experience or skill level, it's a GitHub metric of which languages I have the most code publically shown on GitHub.