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suhaboncukcu committed Aug 14, 2024
1 parent 0719f7b commit 0cc668b
Showing 1 changed file with 282 additions and 0 deletions.
282 changes: 282 additions & 0 deletions 2024-August.html
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,282 @@
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slideData = {
"text": {
"date": "August 2024",
"speaker-name": "Henrique Moody",
"speaker-subject": "Meeting Internals: how meetings work and how to make them meaningful",
"joind-in": "",
"next-meetup-date": "19th of September",
"next-meetup-talk": "Implementing zero-trust security with Laravel and Hashicorp Vault",
"next-meetup-speaker": "Dmytro Rudiy"
"images": {
"speaker-face": {
"src": "img/speakers/henrique_moody.jpg",
"alt": "Speaker: Henrique Moody"
"hoster-small": {
"src": "img/hoster-logos/bridgefund.svg",
"alt": "Coolset"
"hoster-large": {
"src": "img/hoster-logos/bridgefund.svg",
"alt": "Coolset"
"hoster-co-sponsor": {
"src": "",
"alt": ""
"hoster-next": {
"src": "img/hoster-logos/jetbrains.svg",
"alt": "Bridgefund"
"hoster-next-co-sponsor": {
"src": "",
"alt": ""


<div class="reveal">

<div class="slides">
<img src="img/logo-transparent-background.png" alt="AmsterdamPHP">
<h4 id="date"></h4>

<div class="two-columns" style="margin-top: 4em;">
<p>Hosted by</p>
<img id="hoster-small" class="hoster" src="" alt="">

<ul class="pointless">
<li>19h00 - 19h30: Welcome &amp; Drinks</li>
<li>19h30 - 19h35: Opening</li>
<li>19h35 - 19:45: Lightning!</li>
<li>19h45 - 20h30: Talk</li>
<li>20h30 - 21h30: Raffle &amp; Social</li>

<h1 class="slide fancy">Tonight's Sponsor</h1>
<img id="hoster-large" class="hoster big" src="" alt="">

<h1 class="slide fancy">Lightning Talk</h1>

<div class="two-columns" style="margin-top: 4em;">
<img class="speaker" src="img/speakers/hamidreza_niazi.jpeg" alt="">

<h3 class="fancy">Hamidreza Niazi</h3>
<p style="margin-top: 2rem">Why Does Your MySQL Database Lock Up? Uncovering the Truth About Online DDL?</p>

<h1 class="slide fancy">Tonight's Speaker</h1>

<div class="two-columns" style="margin-top: 4em;">
<img id="speaker-face" class="speaker" src="" alt="">

<h3 id="speaker-name" class="fancy"></h3>
<p id="speaker-subject" style="margin-top: 2rem"></p>

<h1 class="fancy">Rating</h1>

<div class="">
<img class="meetup" src="img/meetup-large.png" alt="Meetup">
<h2 class="fancy">The Venue</h2>

<!-- <div>-->
<!-- <img class="white-background" src="img/joindin.png" alt="JoindIn">-->
<!-- <h2 class="fancy">The Speaker</h2>-->
<!-- <a id="joind-in" href=";&#45;january2023"></a>-->
<!-- </div>-->

<h1 class="slide fancy">Conferences and Events</h1>

<h1 class="slide fancy">Laracon Live Denmark</h1>
<img src="img/conference-logos/laravel-live-denmark-2024.png">
<h4>Aug 22nd-23rd</h4>
<h4>Copenhagen, Denmark</h4>

<h1 class="slide fancy">WordCamp Netherlands 2024</h1>
<img src="img/conference-logos/WCNL24.webp" style="background-color: darkgray">
<h4>Sep 27th-28th</h4>

<h1 class="slide fancy">International PHP Conference Munich</h1>
<img src="img/conference-logos/ipc-2024.svg" style="background-color: darkgray">
<h4>Nov 11th-15th</h4>
<h4>Munich, Germany</h4>

<h1 class="slide fancy">Tonight's Prizes</h1>

<h1>Jetbrains Licence</h1>
<img class="hoster big" src="img/hoster-logos/jetbrains.svg" alt="Sponsor: Jetbrains">

<!-- <section>-->
<!-- <h1>📚 Books</h1>-->
<!-- </section>-->

<!-- <section>-->
<!-- <h1>Elephants!</h1>-->

<!-- <img class="hoster big" src="img/logo-transparent-background.png" alt="Sponsor: AmsterdamPHP">-->
<!-- <img class="hoster big" src="img/hoster-logos/mollie-new.jpg" alt="Sponsor: Mollie">-->
<!-- </section>-->

<!-- <section data-background="img/pagination_promo.jpg">-->
<!-- </section>-->

<h1 class="slide fancy">Raffles</h1>
<p style="margin-top: 3em">
Switch tabs

<h1 class="slide fancy">Call for Hosts and Speakers</h1>
<!-- <h4 style="margin-top:4rem;">Looking for August host</h4> -->

<h1 class="slide fancy">Lightning talks</h1>
<h4 style="margin-top:4rem;"><span style="white-space: nowrap">&lt;?php echo phpversion(); ?&gt;</span> minutes long</h4>

<img src="img/logo-transparent-background.png" alt="AmsterdamPHP">
<div class="two-columns" style="margin-top: 1.5em;">
<h1 id="next-meetup-talk" class="slide fancy" style="font-size: 1.45em; max-width: 8em; margin-bottom: 3rem;"></h1>
<h2 id="next-meetup-speaker" style="font-size: 0.9em;"></h2>
<img id="hoster-next" class="hoster" src="" alt="" style="min-height: 100px;"><br>
<img id="hoster-next-co-sponsor" class="hoster" src="" alt="">
<h3 id="next-meetup-date" style="clear: both; margin-top: 1em"></h3>


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