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Utilities for the Litestar framework.

Source Code:


This package include some utilities I generaly use in my projects:

  • Timing Middleware: Basic timing for each request
  • Slugify: Basic slugify function with customizable options
  • HTTPS Redirect Middleware: Redirect all the incoming requests from http or ws to https or wss.


 $ pip install litestar-utils


 $ poetry add litestar-utils


Timing Middleware:

Use the create_timing_middleware function to create the middleware, the only required argument is emit.

emit must be a callable that accept 2 arguments a Request and a float

from litestar import Litestar, get
from litestar_utils import create_timing_middleware

async def hello_world() -> str:
    return "Hello, world!"

@get("/base", exclude_timing=True)
async def base_all() -> str:
    return "All your base are belong to us"

app = Litestar(
    [hello_world, base_all],


Use the SlugifyOptions class to customize the behaviour.

class SlugifyOptions(BaseModel):
    collapse_whitespace: bool = True
    disallowed_characters: str = r"[^\w\s-]"
    separator: str = "-"
    replacements: List = []

Simple example:

from litestar_utils import slugify, SlugifyOptions

expected = "this-is-easy"
input_string = "this is easy"
assert slugify(input_string) == expected

Don't collaps whitespaces (default to True):

from litestar_utils import slugify, SlugifyOptions

expected = "should--not---collapse----whitespaces"
input_string = " should  not   collapse    whitespaces  "
options = SlugifyOptions(collapse_whitespace=False)
assert slugify(input_string, options=options) == expected

Custom separator (default to -):

from litestar_utils import slugify, SlugifyOptions

expected = ""
input_string = "this is easy"
options = SlugifyOptions(separator=".")
assert slugify(input_string, options=options) == expected


from litestar_utils import slugify, SlugifyOptions

expected = "emailatexmapledotcom"
input_string = "[email protected]"
options = SlugifyOptions(replacements=[("@", "at"), [".", "dot"]])
assert slugify(input_string, options=options) == expected

HTTPS Redirect Middleware:

Use the HTTPSRedirectMiddleware middleware to redirect all the incoming requests from http or ws to https or wss.

Ported from starlette HTTPSRedirectMiddleware

from litestar import Litestar, get
from litestar_utils import HTTPSRedirectMiddleware

async def hello_world() -> str:
    return "Hello, world!"

@get("/base", exclude_timing=True)
async def base_all() -> str:
    return "All your base are belong to us"

app = Litestar(
    [hello_world, base_all],