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NeuroEvolution of Augmenting Topologies (NEAT) is a genetic algorithm (GA) for the generation of evolving artificial neural networks (a neuroevolution technique) developed by Kenneth Stanley and Risto Miikkulainen in 2002 while at The University of Texas at Austin. [Source: Wikipedia]

You can learn more about NEAT on the NEAT website and/or by reading through the 3 academic papers: journal paper, conference paper, shorter conference paper.

Contained in this repo is a lightweight and easy-to-use C++ module for implementing NEAT into your own C++ projects. The module is located inside the NEAT folder and has been coded in C++ using only the C++ Standard Library; and so no external dependencies are required.

The code in this repo has been tested and compiled using Visual C++ (2019) and is licensed under the MIT License.

Visualization (optional)

NEATViz.cpp contains basic code for how to visualize the neural networks. You can alternatively implement your own visualization tool (in which case you can use NEATViz.cpp as a guide). Or you can opt to not use any visualization at all. The choice is up to you.

NEATViz.cpp uses the NetworkBaseVisual class to determine how to draw the neural networks. NetworkBaseVisual inherits from NetworkBase and contains extra visualization information, but this also means that it uses more memory. So if you won't be using the visualization information (i.e. only running inference), then you can improve performance by only using NetworkBase instead.

To compile NEATViz.cpp from source, you'll need to import SDL and the SDL_tff extension library. If you're new to SDL, there are several resources you can use to get started with SDL.

NEATViz.cpp was tested using SDL2 (v2.30.3) and SDL2_tff (v2.22.0). A pre-compiled binary of NEATViz.cpp is also available here.


After running NEATViz.cpp, you can use the below controls to step through the XOR test example:

Right Arrow Key - Step forward to the next generation
Mouse Wheel - Adjust vertical alignment of the rendered neurons

The console and window will update as you step through each generation. The console contains useful information about each generation (e.g. number of species, max fitness, etc.), and the window contains the visualization of the best network (highest fitness) from the current generation.

Forward connections are colored based on their weight values; with positive values being green, negative values being red, and values close to 0 being black. Recurrent connections are always colored blue and drawn with a curve. In the network above, nodes 0 to 3 are input nodes (with node 3 being the bias node), nodes 4 and 5 are output nodes, and a recurrent connection exists from node 4 to node 8.

Setup and Usage

To import the module into your own C++ project, copy and paste the NEAT folder into your project's source directory.

In order to use the module, you'll need to #include NEAT/NEAT.h and/or NEAT/Network.h into your own source code (keeping in mind the locations of the aforementioned files). And you'll also need to compile and link the .cpp files into your final binary.

For an example of how to use the module's interface, you can look at XORTest.cpp/h. In summary, you'll need to do the following steps:

  1. Instantiate NEAT with the desired parameters (e.g. network input and output size, population size, mutation rates, etc.)
  2. Call NEAT::GenerateNetworks to create the neural networks for the current generation
  3. Evaluate the networks using NetworkBase::Run
  4. Score the networks using FitnessInterface::SetFitness
  5. Call NEAT::UpdateGeneration to update the generation
  6. Repeat steps 2-5 until some termination condition (e.g. fitness reaches some desired value)

Once you find a network you like, you can save it to a file using NetworkBaseVisual::Save. To load a network that's been saved to a file, use the NetworkBase and/or NetworkBaseVisual constructor(s) with the name/path of the file as the argument.

You can also save and load the entire NEAT class to a file using the NEAT::Save and NEAT::Load functions respectively. This is handy if you want to pause training, and then come back to it in the future.

The code below shows how to load and run a saved network.

NetworkBase network("xor.dat");

// run the network on some data
std::vector<float> out = {0};
network.Run<bool>({false,false}, out);
std::cout << "{0,0} => " << out[0] << std::endl;
network.Run<bool>({false,true}, out);
std::cout << "{0,1} => " << out[0] << std::endl;
network.Run<bool>({true,false}, out);
std::cout << "{1,0} => " << out[0] << std::endl;
network.Run<bool>({true,true}, out);
std::cout << "{1,1} => " << out[0] << std::endl;

Cloning Networks

If you're going to be using the same neural network in multiple places simultaneously, then you should use the copy constructor/assignment to create additional clones of the network, instead of just loading the same network again from the same file.

This will ensure that shared information between the networks (e.g. weight information) isn't duplicated. Below is an example for how to create clones of a network.

NetworkBase enemyA_network1("enemyA.dat"); // network loaded from file

NetworkBase enemyA_network2 = enemyA_network1; // network cloned using copy ctor

NetworkBase enemyA_network3;
enemyA_network3 = enemyA_network1; // network cloned using copy assignmnent

In the example above, you might be wondering why you would ever want to create duplicate clones of a neural network (e.g. why not use a single instance instead?).

There are 2 possible reasons:

  1. One reason is that the neural network could contain recurrent connections. With recurrent neural networks, networks have a hidden state that depends on the sequence of data passed into the network. If a single network is used, data from different agents would get mixed together and corrupt the output of these recurrent connections; therefore making the entire output of the network invalid.
  2. Another reason is that it allows the agents to run their networks in parallel. As an aside, the shared data inside the networks is read-only, and so running these networks in parallel is perfectly valid and won't cause any race conditions.