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AlienCowEatCake committed May 23, 2022
0 parents commit 67ab128
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Showing 9 changed files with 3,221 additions and 0 deletions.
94 changes: 94 additions & 0 deletions
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,94 @@
#!/bin/bash -e

SOURCE_DIR="$(cd "$(dirname "${0}")" && pwd)"
APP_CERT="Developer ID Application: Petr Zhigalov (48535TNTA7)"
NOTARIZE_USERNAME="[email protected]"

export PATH="${HOME}/.new_local/bin:${HOME}/.local/bin:${PATH}"

# git clone
# cd gtk-osx
# # git checkout d4c0796
# ./
# cd ..

# git clone
# cd gtk-mac-bundler
# # git checkout 3770bb6
# make install
# cd ..

# # wget
# # hdiutil attach -readonly -noverify -noautofsck -noautoopen -mountpoint G gimp-2.8.22-x86_64.dmg
# # cp -a G/ ./
# # hdiutil detach G

# cp -a ~/.config/jhbuildrc-custom ~/.config/jhbuildrc-custom.bak
# cat << EOF > ~/.config/jhbuildrc-custom
# setup_sdk(target="${MACOSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET}")
# setup_release()
# append_autogenargs("murrine-engine", 'LDFLAGS="$LDFLAGS -lpixman-1"')

# jhbuild bootstrap
# jhbuild build gtk+
# jhbuild build openssl
# jhbuild build tango-icon-theme
# jhbuild build gtk-engines
# jhbuild build murrine-engine
# jhbuild build gtk-mac-integration

# wget
tar -xvpf sylpheed-3.7.0.tar.bz2
cd sylpheed-3.7.0
patch -p1 -i "${SOURCE_DIR}/patches_sylpheed/0001-Update-macos-bundle-project-for-latest-GTK.patch"
patch -p1 -i "${SOURCE_DIR}/patches_sylpheed/0002-Fix-warning-on-macOS-10.15.patch"
patch -p1 -i "${SOURCE_DIR}/patches_sylpheed/0003-Update-sylpheed-3.4.1-osx-test1.patch-for-3.7.0.patch"
patch -p1 -i "${SOURCE_DIR}/patches_sylpheed/0004-Fix-linking-with-modern-gtkmacintegration.patch"
patch -p1 -i "${SOURCE_DIR}/patches_sylpheed/0005-Update-Info.plist-strings.patch"
jhbuild run ./
cd macosx/bundle
jhbuild run gtk-mac-bundler sylpheed.bundle
cd ../../..

echo 'gtk-theme-name = "Clearlooks"' >> "${HOME}/Desktop/"
clang "${SOURCE_DIR}/launcher/launcher.m" -o "${HOME}/Desktop/" -framework Foundation -O2 -Weverything -fobjc-arc -mmacos-version-min=${MACOSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET}
plutil -replace LSMinimumSystemVersion -string "${MACOSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET}" "${HOME}/Desktop/"

BUNDLE_IDENTIFIER="$(plutil -extract CFBundleIdentifier xml1 -o - "${HOME}/Desktop/" | sed -n 's|.*<string>\(.*\)<\/string>.*|\1|p')"
BUNDLE_VERSION="$(plutil -extract CFBundleVersion xml1 -o - "${HOME}/Desktop/" | sed -n 's|.*<string>\(.*\)<\/string>.*|\1|p')"
rm -rf "${INSTALL_DIR}"
mkdir -p "${INSTALL_DIR}"
ditto --norsrc --noextattr --noqtn "${HOME}/Desktop/" "${INSTALL_DIR}/"
ln -s "/Applications" "${INSTALL_DIR}/Applications"

function sign() {
/usr/bin/codesign \
--sign "${APP_CERT}" \
--deep \
--force \
--timestamp \
--options runtime \
--entitlements "${SOURCE_DIR}/entitlements/entitlements.entitlements" \
--verbose \
--strict \
function notarize() {
/usr/bin/python3 "${SOURCE_DIR}/scripts/" \
--application "${1}" \
--primary-bundle-id "${2}" \
--username "${NOTARIZE_USERNAME}" \
--password "${NOTARIZE_PASSWORD}"
find "${INSTALL_DIR}/" \( -name '*.so' -or -name '*.dylib' \) -print0 | while IFS= read -r -d '' item ; do sign "${item}" ; done
find "${INSTALL_DIR}/" -type f -print0 | while IFS= read -r -d '' item ; do sign "${item}" ; done
sign "${INSTALL_DIR}/"

hdiutil create -format UDBZ -fs HFS+ -srcfolder "Sylpheed" -volname "Sylpheed" "Sylpheed_${BUNDLE_VERSION}.dmg"
sign "Sylpheed_${BUNDLE_VERSION}.dmg"
notarize "Sylpheed_${BUNDLE_VERSION}.dmg" "${BUNDLE_IDENTIFIER}"
14 changes: 14 additions & 0 deletions entitlements/entitlements.entitlements
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "">
<plist version="1.0">
229 changes: 229 additions & 0 deletions launcher/launcher.m
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,229 @@
// Original file:
// Build: clang launcher.m -o "launcher" -framework Foundation -O2 -Weverything -fobjc-arc -mmacos-version-min=10.7

#include <stdlib.h>
#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>

static NSString * substr(NSString * str, NSUInteger from, NSUInteger len) {
if([str length] <= from)
return @"";
NSString * tmp = [str substringFromIndex:from];
if([tmp length] <= len)
return tmp;
return [tmp substringToIndex:len];

static BOOL exist(NSString * path) {
return [[NSFileManager defaultManager] fileExistsAtPath:path];

int main(int argc, const char * argv[]) {
@autoreleasepool {
NSBundle * bundle = [NSBundle mainBundle];
NSString * bundleRes = [bundle resourcePath];
NSString * bundleLib = [bundleRes stringByAppendingPathComponent:@"lib"];
NSString * bundleData = [bundleRes stringByAppendingPathComponent:@"share"];
NSString * bundleEtc = [bundleRes stringByAppendingPathComponent:@"etc"];

setenv("XDG_CONFIG_DIRS", [[bundleEtc stringByAppendingPathComponent:@"xdg"] UTF8String], 0);
setenv("XDG_DATA_DIRS", [bundleData UTF8String], 0);
setenv("GTK_DATA_PREFIX", [bundleRes UTF8String], 0);
setenv("GTK_EXE_PREFIX", [bundleRes UTF8String], 0);
setenv("GTK_PATH", [bundleRes UTF8String], 0);

setenv("GTK2_RC_FILES", [[NSString pathWithComponents:@[bundleEtc, @"gtk-2.0/gtkrc"]] UTF8String], 0);
setenv("GTK_IM_MODULE_FILE", [[NSString pathWithComponents:@[bundleEtc, @"gtk-2.0/gtk.immodules"]] UTF8String], 0);
// N.B. When gdk-pixbuf was separated from Gtk+ the location of the
// loaders cache changed as well. Depending on the version of Gtk+ that
// you built with you may still need to use the old location:
//setenv("GDK_PIXBUF_MODULE_FILE", [[NSString pathWithComponents:@[bundleEtc, @"gtk-2.0/gdk-pixbuf.loaders"]] UTF8String], 0);
setenv("GDK_PIXBUF_MODULE_FILE", [[NSString pathWithComponents:@[bundleLib, @"gdk-pixbuf-2.0/2.10.0/loaders.cache"]] UTF8String], 0);
setenv("PANGO_LIBDIR", [bundleLib UTF8String], 0);
setenv("PANGO_SYSCONFDIR", [bundleEtc UTF8String], 0);

NSString * app = [[bundle executablePath] lastPathComponent];
NSString * i18nDir = [bundleData stringByAppendingPathComponent:@"locale"];
// Set the locale-related variables appropriately:
NSString * env_LANG = nil;
NSString * env_LC_MESSAGES = nil;
NSString * env_LC_MONETARY = nil;
NSString * env_LC_COLLATE = nil;

// Has a language ordering been set?
// If so, set LC_MESSAGES and LANG accordingly; otherwise skip it.
NSArray * appleLanguages = [[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults] arrayForKey:@"AppleLanguages"];
if(appleLanguages) {
// A language ordering exists.
// Test, item per item, to see whether there is an corresponding locale.
for(NSString * appleLanguageTmp in appleLanguages) {
NSString * appleLanguage = appleLanguageTmp;
// First step uses sed to clean off the quotes and commas, to change - to _,
// and change the names for the chinese scripts from "Hans" to CN and "Hant" to TW.
appleLanguage = [appleLanguage stringByReplacingOccurrencesOfString:@"-" withString:@"_"];
appleLanguage = [appleLanguage stringByReplacingOccurrencesOfString:@"Hans" withString:@"CN"];
appleLanguage = [appleLanguage stringByReplacingOccurrencesOfString:@"Hant" withString:@"TW"];
NSMutableCharacterSet * allowedSymbols = [NSMutableCharacterSet alphanumericCharacterSet];
[allowedSymbols addCharactersInString:@"_"];
appleLanguage = [[appleLanguage componentsSeparatedByCharactersInSet:[allowedSymbols invertedSet]] componentsJoinedByString:@""];
if([appleLanguage length] < 2)

// test for exact matches:
if(exist([NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@/%@/LC_MESSAGES/", i18nDir, appleLanguage, app])) {
env_LANG = appleLanguage;

// This is a special case, because often the original strings are in US
// English and there is no translation file.
if([appleLanguage isEqualToString:@"en_US"]) {
env_LANG = appleLanguage;

// OK, now test for just the first two letters:
if(exist([NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@/%@/LC_MESSAGES/", i18nDir, substr(appleLanguage, 0, 2), app])) {
env_LANG = substr(appleLanguage, 0, 2);

// Same thing, but checking for any english variant.
if([substr(appleLanguage, 0, 2) isEqualToString:@"en"]) {
env_LANG = appleLanguage;

// If we didn't get a language from the language list, try the Collation preference, in case it's the only setting that exists.
NSString * appleCollation = [[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults] stringForKey:@"AppleCollationOrder"];
if(appleCollation && [appleCollation length] >= 2) {
env_LANG = substr(appleCollation, 0, 2);
env_LC_COLLATE = appleCollation;

// Continue by attempting to find the Locale preference.
NSString * appleLocale = [[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults] stringForKey:@"AppleLocale"];
if(appleLocale && !env_LANG) {
if(exist([NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@/%@/LC_MESSAGES/", i18nDir, substr(appleLocale, 0, 5), app]))
env_LANG = substr(appleLocale, 0, 5);
else if(exist([NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@/%@/LC_MESSAGES/", i18nDir, substr(appleLocale, 0, 2), app]))
env_LANG = substr(appleLocale, 0, 2);

// Next we need to set LC_MESSAGES. If at all possible, we want a full
// 5-character locale to avoid the "Locale not supported by C library"
// warning from Gtk -- even though Gtk will translate with a
// two-character code.
if(env_LANG) {
// If the language code matches the applelocale, then that's the message
// locale; otherwise, if it's longer than two characters, then it's
// probably a good message locale and we'll go with it.
if([env_LANG isEqualToString: substr(appleLocale, 0, 5)] || [env_LANG length] > 2) {
// Next try if the Applelocale is longer than 2 chars and the language
// bit matches $LANG
else if([env_LANG isEqualToString: substr(appleLocale, 0, 2)] && [appleLocale length] > 2) {
env_LC_MESSAGES = substr(appleLocale, 0, 5);
// Fail. Get a list of the locales in $PREFIX/share/locale that match
// our two letter language code and pick the first one, special casing
// english to set en_US
else if([env_LANG isEqualToString:@"en"]) {
env_LC_MESSAGES = @"en_US";
else {
NSArray * locales = [[NSFileManager defaultManager] contentsOfDirectoryAtPath:[bundleData stringByAppendingPathComponent:@"locale"] error:nil];
if(locales) {
for(NSString * locale in locales) {
if([substr(locale, 0, [env_LANG length]) isEqualToString:env_LANG])
env_LC_MESSAGES = locale;
else {
// All efforts have failed, so default to US english
env_LANG = @"en_US";
env_LC_MESSAGES = @"en_US";

NSString * currencyPattern = @".*currency=([[:alpha:]]+).*";
NSRegularExpression * currencyRegex = [NSRegularExpression regularExpressionWithPattern:currencyPattern options:0 error:nil];
NSTextCheckingResult * currencyTextCheckingResult = [currencyRegex firstMatchInString:appleLocale options:0 range:NSMakeRange(0, [appleLocale length])];
if([currencyTextCheckingResult numberOfRanges] >= 1) {
NSString * currency = [appleLocale substringWithRange:[currencyTextCheckingResult rangeAtIndex:1]];
if(currency) {
// The user has set a special currency. Gtk doesn't install LC_MONETARY files, but Apple does in /usr/share/locale, so we're going to look there for a locale to set LC_CURRENCY to.
if(exist([NSString stringWithFormat:@"/usr/local/share/%@/LC_MONETARY", env_LC_MESSAGES])) {
NSString * content = [NSString stringWithContentsOfFile:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"/usr/local/share/%@/LC_MONETARY", env_LC_MESSAGES] encoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding error:nil];
if(content && [content isEqualToString:currency])
if(!env_LC_MONETARY) {
NSArray * locales = [[NSFileManager defaultManager] contentsOfDirectoryAtPath:@"/usr/share/locale" error:nil];
if(locales) {
for(NSString * locale in locales) {
if(!exist([NSString stringWithFormat:@"/usr/share/locale/%@/LC_MONETARY", locale]))
NSString * content = [NSString stringWithContentsOfFile:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"/usr/share/locale/%@/LC_MONETARY", locale] encoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding error:nil];
if(!content || [content rangeOfString:currency].location == NSNotFound)
NSRegularExpression * monetaryRegex = [NSRegularExpression regularExpressionWithPattern:@"^([[:alpha:]_]+)$" options:0 error:nil];
NSTextCheckingResult * monetaryTextCheckingResult = [monetaryRegex firstMatchInString:locale options:0 range:NSMakeRange(0, [locale length])];
if([monetaryTextCheckingResult numberOfRanges] < 1)
NSString * monetary = [locale substringWithRange:[monetaryTextCheckingResult rangeAtIndex:1]];
env_LC_MONETARY = monetary;
// No currency value means that the AppleLocale governs:
env_LC_MONETARY = substr(appleLocale, 0, 5);

// For Gtk, which only looks at LC_ALL:
setenv("LC_ALL", [env_LC_MESSAGES UTF8String], 0);

if(exist([bundleLib stringByAppendingPathComponent:@"charset.alias"]))
setenv("CHARSETALIASDIR", [bundleLib UTF8String], 0);

setenv("LANG", [env_LANG UTF8String], 0);
setenv("LC_MESSAGES", [env_LC_MESSAGES UTF8String], 0);
setenv("LC_MONETARY", [env_LC_MONETARY UTF8String], 0);
setenv("LC_COLLATE", [env_LC_COLLATE UTF8String], 0);

@autoreleasepool {
const NSUInteger argumentsCount = (NSUInteger)(argc - 1);
NSMutableArray * arguments = [[NSMutableArray alloc] initWithCapacity:argumentsCount];
for(NSUInteger i = 1; i < argumentsCount; ++i) {
NSString * argument = [NSString stringWithUTF8String:argv[i]];
[arguments addObject:argument];

NSTask * task = [[NSTask alloc] init];
task.launchPath = [[[NSBundle mainBundle] executablePath] stringByAppendingString:@"-bin"];
task.arguments = arguments;
[task launch];
[task waitUntilExit];
return [task terminationStatus];

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