Initially, i am not using the dotfiles to manage my config files, i am using multiply repositories to manage all the config files. But i found that it is very hard to manage all the files. After i repeating git add, git commit, git push for couple of times, i think that i should make a change. But the problem come, i don't really know how to do. I spend some time to do research and summarize something. This also can remind me how i do this.
mkdir ~/.dotfiles
If you mv config files from .config file, you have to make sure .config file have created in your .dotfiles
mv .bashrc ~/.dotfiles/
mv .zshrc ~/.dotfiles/
mv .config/nvim ~/.dotfiles/.config
After the config files have move into .dotfiles/, all the configuration will lose, so you have to link the file in your home directory to make sure the applications can work
ln -sf ~/.dotfiles/bashrc ~/
ln -sf ~/.dotfiles/zshrc ~/
ln -sf ~/.dotfiles/.config/nvim ~/.config/