AI sentiment analysis and NLP(natural language process) project for over 6.000 "live" tweets about COVID-19.
DataSet of Tweets was taken from Tweeter API by its "listener" objects from (17:00 -> 22:00) worldwide on 11/07/2020(D/M/Y).
The project was implemented with Python through Twitter API and OpenMapQuest API.
Use of TextBlob's polarity property for sentiment analysis of a tweet.
Every function has a small documentation inside for every object and utility.
Csv file contains every tweet we processed through.
Html file, contains a map with live locations and text from all the tweets we processed.
On Html file, red marker defines a negative tweet, green marker a positive one and gray marker one that's close to negative.
In Stats file u can find some prtsrcns with statistics.
Project implemeted with these small steps :
- Make a twitter developer account, get access to its API.(A descent amount of tweets are available).
- Make an openMapQuest developer account, get access to its API(A bit slow in free edition).
- Install the libraries(First section of the project desribes them).
- Create the APIs as python objects(inherit from specific classes, get advnantage of Inheritance).
- Start to listen for tweets of a specific topic.
- Clear the tweets from "useless" information through NLP.
- Save them and draw them in Map.
- Learn from the stats.
- 50% of tweets have a positive meaning and the other 50% have negative meaning.
- Most of tweets associate Covid-19 with Biden or Trump(cause today Biden won #USElections)
- Russia hates Twitter.
- Africa made more tweets than Russia.