This is a simple app to play with docker exposing ports and curl passing parameters.
The app starts on localhost and dumps all HTTP requests with headers that it receives.
docker build . -t http-pong
docker run --rm -d -p 5000:5000 http-pong
# fd15987d2a3a837d63b7efd49825254e8f4e2b75bc9cbd3ba86f4ff9667c01d4
curl -H foo:bar localhost:5000
# User-Agent: curl/7.54.0
# Host: localhost:5000
# Foo: bar
# Accept: */*
docker stop fd15987d2a3a837d63b7efd49825254e8f4e2b75bc9cbd3ba86f4ff9667c01d4 # use id produced by docker-run command
- License:: MIT
- Author:: Timur Batyrshin [email protected]