名稱 | 數量 | 來源 |
raspberry pi3 | 1 | MOLi |
繼電器 | 1 | 電子材料行($60) |
抽水馬達(5V) | 2 | 蝦皮($26) |
麵包版 | 1 | 電子材料行($30) |
LED 顯示板 | 1 | 蝦皮($30) |
webcam | 1 | 蝦皮($699) |
杜邦線 | 數條 | 親友友情贊助 |
水管 | 數條 | 親友友情贊助 |
- 樹莓派 GPIO 腳位
- motor.py
import RPi.GPIO as GPIO
except RuntimeError:
import time
class motor:
def __init__(self) :
self.PORT = 14 #把馬達的接地線接在第14腳位
GPIO.setup(self.PORT, GPIO.OUT)
def blink(self,times):
GPIO.output(self.PORT, GPIO.LOW) #GPIO.output(PORT, GPIO.TRUE)
while times > 0:
times -= 1
GPIO.output(self.PORT, GPIO.HIGH)
if __name__ == '__main__':
- LED.py
- 顯示幸運色
import RPi.GPIO as GPIO
import time
class LED:
def __init__(self):
self.pins = {'pin_R':11, 'pin_G':12, 'pin_B':13}
for i in self.pins:
GPIO.setup(self.pins[i], GPIO.OUT)
GPIO.output(self.pins[i], GPIO.HIGH)
self.p_R = GPIO.PWM(self.pins['pin_R'], 2000)
self.p_G = GPIO.PWM(self.pins['pin_G'], 2000)
self.p_B = GPIO.PWM(self.pins['pin_B'], 5000)
def addColor(self,r, g, b) :
red = hex(r)
green = hex(g)
blue = hex(b)
color = '0x' + red[2:].zfill(2) + green[2:].zfill(2) + blue[2:].zfill(2)
return int(color, 16)
def map(self,x, in_min, in_max, out_min, out_max):
return (x - in_min) * (out_max - out_min) / (in_max - in_min) + out_min
def setColor(self,col):
R_val = (col & 0xFF0000) >> 16
G_val = (col & 0x00FF00) >> 8
B_val = (col & 0x0000FF) >> 0
R_val = self.map(R_val, 0, 255, 0, 100)
G_val = self.map(G_val, 0, 255, 0, 100)
B_val = self.map(B_val, 0, 255, 0, 100)
self.p_R.ChangeDutyCycle(100 - R_val)
self.p_G.ChangeDutyCycle(100 - G_val)
self.p_B.ChangeDutyCycle(100 - B_val)
def start(self,times,r,g,b):
while times > 0:
self.setColor(self.addColor(r,g,b)) #輸入RGB(10進位)
times -= 1
except KeyboardInterrupt:
for i in self.pins:
GPIO.output(self.pins[i], GPIO.HIGH)
if __name__=="__main__":
sudo apt update sudo apt upgrade
確認 webcam 裝置
sudo lsusb
安裝 numpy 套件
pip install numpy
安裝 opencv
sudo apt-get install libopencv-dev
安裝 imutils
pip install imutils
程式碼 - ReadWebcam.py 感測 rgb 數值
# importing required libraries import cv2 import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from imutils.video import VideoStream from xlsxwriter import Workbook class color: def run(self): # taking the input from webcam plt.ion() # Set interactive mode on # We will be using Video-capture to get the fps value. capture = cv2.VideoCapture(0) capture.release() # New module: VideoStream vs = VideoStream().start() timers = 5 while timers>0: frame = vs.read() if frame is None: print("Frame is not found!") break b, g, r = cv2.split(frame) b_mean = np.mean(b) g_mean = np.mean(g) r_mean = np.mean(r) print("r:"+str(r_mean)+", g:"+str(g_mean) + ", b:" + str(b_mean)) timers -= 1 return list([r_mean,g_mean,b_mean]) if __name__ =='__main__': mydev=color() print(mydev.run())
程式碼 - detectcolor.py 根據 rgb 分析其對應到的顏色
class detector: def __init__(self,r,g,b): count =0 array = [] self.r=int(r) self.g=int(g) self.b=int(b) def test(self): mx = max(self.r,self.g,self.b) mn = min(self.r,self.g,self.b) df = mx - mn if mx == mn: h = 0 elif mx == self.r: h = (60 * ((self.g-self.b)/df)+ 360) % 360 elif mx ==self.g: h = (60 * ((self.b-self.r)/df)+ 120) % 360 elif mx ==self.b: h = (60 * ((self.r-self.g)/df)+ 240) % 360 if mx == 0: s =0 else: s = df/mx v = mx if v >= 0.5 and v<=0: return "黑" else: if s<=0.43: if v > 0.5: return "白" else: return "灰" else: if h>0 and h<30 or h>=330 and h<=360: return "紅" elif h>=30 and h<90: return "黃" elif h>=90 and h<210: return "綠" elif h>=210 and h < 270: return "藍" elif h>=270 and h< 330: return "紫" if __name__=='__main__': r=input("R :") g=input("G :") b=input("B :") mydetector=detector(r,g,b) print(mydetector.test())
terminal= pip install -r requirements.txt
創建 telegrambot
1.找到 BotFather 輸入 /newbot
2.填完所資料(注意:username 要使用 OObot 結尾)
3.拿出 token 並放入新建的檔案 LSA1101_bot_api.txt
4.輸入/mybot 並選擇剛剛設定的 telbot
5.在 Edite bot 中的 Edite command 輸入 botcommand 檔案中的命令,以此宣告命令
1.引入 telegrambot python 套件
from telegram.ext import Updater # 更新者 from telegram.ext import CommandHandler, CallbackQueryHandler # 註冊處理 一般用 回答用 from telegram.ext import MessageHandler, Filters # Filters過濾訊息 from telegram import InlineKeyboardMarkup, InlineKeyboardButton # 互動式按鈕
2.初始化 bot
self.updater = Updater(token=self.token, use_context=False) #放入token self.dispatcher = self.updater.dispatcher #用來抓使用者丟給bot的命令 self.dispatcher.add_handler(CommandHandler('/命令名稱', 命令的function))
3.讓 telegrambot 運作
mybot.updater.start_polling() #updater.start_polling()會讓他一直持續處理你定義的handeler直到關閉
1.sudo apt-get install chromium-chromedriver #安裝 chromedriver
2.將安裝好的路徑放入 drivePath.txt(請自己新建)
3.設定 driver
with open("drivePath.txt", "r") as f: self.drivePath = f.read().strip() options = webdriver.ChromeOptions() options.add_argument("-headless") #沒有圖形介面的裝置一定要加這個 self.browser = webdriver.Chrome(executable_path=self.drivePath, options=options)
def get_html(self,starsign): if starsign=='白羊座': starsign='牡羊座' from urllib.request import urlopen url = "https://www.elle.com/tw/starsigns/today/" html = urlopen(url) bsObj = BeautifulSoup(html.read(), "html.parser") All_starsigns = bsObj.findAll("a", {"class": "custom-item-title item-title"}) # All_starsigns= self.browser.find_element_by_link_text(starsign) for i in All_starsigns: #print(i.get_text()) #print(starsign) if i.get_text()==str(starsign): print(i['href']) url=urljoin(url,i['href']) self.get_color(url) def get_color(self,url): self.browser.get(url) print(url) bsObj = BeautifulSoup(self.browser.page_source, "html.parser") description = bsObj.find("ul",{"class":"body-ul"}) description= description.findAll("li") description=list(description[2].get_text()) color=''.join(description[5:]) self.luckycolor=color
5.因為每次啟動都抓一次過於耗時,因此引入將抓到的資訊匯出並以 nodejs 儲存
def start(self): now=datetime.now().strftime("%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M-%S") #判別距離上次抓取資料是否過去一天 now=now.split('-') with open("data.json", "r") as f: data=json.load(f) f.close() before=data['updateTime'].split('-') if self.oneday(now,before): self.get_allstarsign() def writedata(self): #寫入資料至檔案 self.data["updateTime"] = datetime.now().strftime("%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M-%S") with open("data.json", "w",encoding='Utf-8') as f: json.dump(self.data,f) f.close()
主要 telegrambo 指令介紹: +off - 關機
#呼叫updater.stop()停止telegrambot self.updater.stop()
+luckycolor - 查詢星座幸運色 依照使用者輸入的星座查詢幸運色,若使用者衣服與幸運色相同則恭喜,若不同則噴水逞罰, 最後會用 LED 顯示查詢到的幸運色同時傳送給使用者def luckycolor(self,bot,update): message=update.message starsign=list(message['text']) starsign=starsign[12:] starsign=''.join(starsign) print(starsign) if starsign=="": update.message.reply_text(text='請在指令後方加入星座') return mysearch=crawler.Fetch() #呼叫crawler.py 去抓你輸入的星座 if mysearch.isin(starsign): update.message.reply_text(text='稍等一下,正在查詢....') with open("data.json", "r") as f: data=json.load(f) f.close() update.message.reply_text(text='今天'+starsign+'的幸運顏色是: '+str(data['starsign'][starsign])) mysearch.end() else: update.message.reply_text(text='沒有'+starsign+'這個星座') #self.yourluckyday(str(data['starsign'][starsign])) searchcolor=str(data['starsign'][starsign]) #detectcolor.detector() mycam=ReadWebcam.color() out=mycam.run() #用webcam抓看到的顏色返還RGB mydetector=detectcolor.detector(out[0],out[1],out[2]) #輸入RGB返還一個顏色(中文字) color=mydetector.test() if(color==searchcolor): update.message.reply_text(text="你今天很幸運喔") else: update.message.reply_text(text="今天不是你的幸運日喔") mymotor=motor.motor() mymotor.blink(self.water) #噴self.water的水量 myled=LED.LED() #將RGB傳給 LED myled.start(5,out[0],out[1],out[2])
+spray - 立即噴水
mymotor=motor.motor() mymotor.blink(self.water)
+set_waterpw - 設定 self.water +hi -跟使用者打招呼 從 updater 抓使用者的姓名跟他打招呼
message = update.message chat = message['chat'] update.message.reply_text(text='HI ' + str(chat['first_name'])+' '+str(chat['last_name']))
+whatcolor - 觀察顏色回傳 RGD 呼叫 Readwebcam 回傳看到的顏色 +blink - 依照觀察顏色亮燈
- webcam 感測顏色沒有到很準確 [待解決]
- telegram bot 問題 [已解決] - 安裝 Chromedriver 裝到 Linux 64 位元版
但 Raspberry Pi 是 Arm64
- 爬蟲爬太慢,跑太久....
- 每天都會先爬蟲爬一次,把資料儲存下來,加快之後的查詢速度
- LED 問題 [待解決]
- 色域不夠廣,僅能顯示部分顏色
- 線有時候較不靈敏,可能某一R、G、B 感測不良
- 硬體設備 + 控制程式
- 硬體設備 + 控制程式
- webcam + 影像辨識
- telegram bot
- 網路爬蟲
- https://ithelp.ithome.com.tw/users/20130283/ironman/3553
- https://blog.csdn.net/jcdjx/article/details/38457271
- https://atceiling.blogspot.com/2014/04/raspberry-pi-webcam.html
- https://www.geeksforgeeks.org/detect-the-rgb-color-from-a-webcam-using-python-opencv/
- https://www.elle.com/tw/starsigns/today/