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#include <std/disclaimer.h>
    Your Telegram account may get banned.
    I am not responsible for any improper use of this bot
    This bot is intended for the purpose of having fun with memes,
    as well as efficiently managing groups.
    You ended up spamming groups, getting reported left and right,
    and you ended up in a Finale Battle with Telegram and at the end
    Telegram Team deleted your account?
    And after that, then you pointed your fingers at us
    for getting your acoount deleted?
    I will be rolling on the floor laughing at you.

Based on Catuserbot

The Easy Way to deploy the bot

Get APP ID and API HASH from HERE and BOT TOKEN from Bot Father and then Generate stringsession by clicking on button below and then click on deploy to heroku . Before clicking on deploy to heroku just click on fork and star just below

NOTE : This repo have ID language

Get string session

Deploy To Heroku

The Normal Way

An example file could be:

Not All of the variables are mandatory

The Userbot should work by setting only the first two variables

from heroku_config import Var

class Development(Var):
  APP_ID = 6
  API_HASH = "eb06d4abfb49dc3eeb1aeb98ae0f581e"

UniBorg Configuration

Heroku Configuration Simply just leave the Config as it is.

Local Configuration

Fortunately there are no Mandatory vars for the UniBorg Support Config.

Mandatory Vars

  • Only two of the environment variables are mandatory.

  • This is because of telethon.errors.rpc_error_list.ApiIdPublishedFloodError

  • The userbot will not work without setting the mandatory vars.


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