I'm an experienced software engineer and technical writer with interests in web3.
I have spent the last few months building web3 projects, learning and writing about decentralized technologies. I just completed an autonomous peer-to-peer learning dApp, and an ERC721 tokens auction marketplace. I frequently review and give feedback on dApps developed by my fellow Dacade community members.
- 🌱 I'm currently building a web3 hackathon project, and strengthening my Rust by building a blockchain in Rust.
- 👯 I’m looking to collaborate on hackathons where I can work on the smartcontracts and you work on FE.
- 🤔 I’m open to work and would appreciate web3 software development job recommendations, and technical writing gigs.
- 💬 Ask me about web3, decentralization and security.
- ⚡ Fun facts: I enjoy reading or watching thrillers, non-fiction/documentaries. My fav TV series is Becker and I binge watch cooking shows when bored😋. As an undergrad, I used to work as a sales representative for Avon SA. I would love to learn how to ride a bicycle and swim.
- Why your web3 project needs an Infrastructure provider, an overview of Quicknode.
- Decentralized Storage Networks — An Explainer.
- Near AssemblyScript smartcontract project from scracth.