This actually my first application using flask framework and i am excited especially when it's about network analysis and AHP (Analytic Hierarchy Process). It's about implementing IM problem model , which aims to define influential node within a network or in other words the key-players inside a population.I will walk you through application setup and deploying to heroku :
app: contains all app files like static: which contains files which handles the syling and js stuff and templates: as we all know stands for html files Where the server initialize its magic and other files like *.txt and Procfile are needed for Heroku deployement,i credit this guy who helped out after a whole hostling .This is only the initial setup of the app , it still a lot of work to do in the backend with flask framework to visiti the page go here
Clone the repo:
git clone
Change diirectory:
cd IMproblem-using-AHP-and-centralisation-of-nodes
Set up your virtual environment:
virtualenv -p `which python3.7` env
Activate yoour enviroment:
source env/bin/activate
Install requirements:
pip install -r requirements.txt
Run Application:
Open locally:
Port may differ for you