Copies the contents of a saved register, a file, or stdin to the clipboard, or manipulates the registry.
To install from pypi:
pip install snipco
From source, there are two ways:
If you have
, run:make install
Otherwise, run:
./ install --user
snipco [-h] [-g [name_or_path]] [-s [name]] [-x [name]] [-l] [-p [name]] [-f [path]] [-t [text]] [-v]
For command-line help, just run:
snipco --help
All arguments are optional; if no arguments are provided, then snipco will copy the contents of stdin to the clipboard. If --file or --text is the sole argument given, then the contents of the file or quoted text, respectively, will be copied to the clipboard.
-h, --help | show help and exit |
-g [name_or_path], --get [name_or_path] | Copy the contents of the saved register. The named key must exist. |
-s [register_name], --set [register_name] | Save the input to a named register. Uses stdin as input unless either --file or --text is specified. |
-f [path], --file [path] | Specify a file to use instead of stdin for --set. If no other arguments are supplied, copies the contents of the given file directly to the clipboard. |
-t "text to save", --text "text to save" | Specify quote-delimited text on the command-line instead of stdin. If no other arguments are supplied, copies the text directly to the clipboard. |
-l, --list | List the existing registers |
-p [name], --print [name] | Print the contents of the named register. The registry key must exist. |
-x [register_name], --unset [register_name] | Unset the named register. |
-v, --version | show program's version number and exit |
Save text from a file dirctly to the clipboard:
snipco --file path/to/file.txt
cat path/to/file.txt | snipco
Save text to a named register:
snipco --set myregister --text "Hello, world!"
Copy text from the register to the clipboard:
snipco --get myregister
Print text in the register to stdout:
snipco --print myregister
Unset the register:
snipco --unset myregister
List the registers you've saved:
snipco --list