This is the official browser client of Abstract Play
The main website houses the development blog and wiki.
- Clone the repo.
- Clone and build and
- For local development make sure the constants in src/config/local.js has the correct setting for Cognito and the API gateway for the development back end.
- From the newly created folder, run the following commands:
npm install
(installs dependencies)
- If you make changes to renderer or gameslib, you need to reinstall the dependency. E.g. for version 0.8.0 of renderer:
npm uninstall @abstractplay/renderer
npm install ..\renderer\abstractplay-renderer-0.8.0.tgz
- After you have node-backend ( deployed you can debug locally with
npm start
- Install AWS-CLI. See
- If you are using VSCode it is probably a good idea to install the AWS Toolkit for VSCode. See:
- Make sure you have your AWS credentials "installed". See:
- Use the profile names AbstractPlayDev and AbstractPlayProd.
- Make sure serverless is installed:
npm install -g serverless
- For the very first deployment (in order to set up the S3 bucket and the CloudFront distribution), run
serverless deploy
andserverless --stage prod deploy
- Now find the distribution ids (e.g. through the AWS console > CloudFront) and copy to the invalidate and invalidate-prod npm scripts in package.json.
- Now you should deploy with
npm run full-dev