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Ansible role ableton.jenkins_swarm_client

This role installs the Jenkins Swarm Client as a service on the given host, which allows it to connect to a Jenkins controller instance as a build node.


This role requires Ansible >= 2.10 on the Ansible control host, and Java >= 11 to be installed on the host itself. This role does not install Java; this should be done separately either with another role or via the respective package manager for the host's platform. This role supports the following platforms:

  • Linux (Debian-flavored)
  • macOS
  • Windows 8.1 or 10

Role Variables

The following variables must be defined before attempting to apply this role:

  • jenkins_config_group: The group which jenkins_config_owner belongs to. Note: this group is only created if the swarm_client_create_user variable is true.
  • jenkins_config_owner: The user who the Swarm Client will run under. Note: this user is only created if the swarm_client_create_user variable is true.
  • jenkins_controller_url: URL for the Jenkins controller.
  • jenkins_swarm_home: Path to use for the Swarm Client home. Aside from containing the Swarm Client software, this directory will also be used for the build's workspace. Therefore, you should take care that the partition this path is on has sufficient hard disk space to handle build artifacts and such.
  • swarm_client_create_user: If true, then create the user/group specified by jenkins_config_owner/jenkins_config_group. If false, then the role assumes that this user already exists (default value: true).

This role also defines a dict variable, jenkins_swarm_config_args, which may contain values for the swarm client's YAML configuration file. See the defaults/main.yml file for full documentation on required and optional role variables.

Example Playbook

- name: Install Jenkins Swarm Client on hosts
  hosts: "all"
    jenkins_config_group: "jenkins"
    jenkins_config_user: "{{ ansible_user }}"
    jenkins_controller_url: ""
    jenkins_swarm_home: "/node/build/jenkins"

    # These arguments will be used to construct the Swarm Client's YAML config file
      disableClientsUniqueId: true
      deleteExistingClients: true
        FOO: "BAR"
      executors: 1
      fsroot: "{{ jenkins_swarm_home }}"
        - "{{ inventory_hostname }}"
        - "some-other-extra-label"
      mode: "exclusive"
      prometheusPort: 8100

    - ableton.jenkins_swarm_client




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