Check employee is present or absent (use random for attendance check)
Calculate Daily employee wage (assume wage per hour is 20, assume full day hour is 8)
Add part time employee and wage (assume part time hour is 4)
Solving using switch case statement (no branch needed)
Calculating wages for a month (assume 20 working day per month)
calculate wages till a condition of total working hours or days is reached for a month (assume 100 hours and 20 days)
Refactor the code to write a class method to compute employee wage (use class method and class variables)
Compute employee wage for multiple companies (each company has its own wage, no. of working days and working hours per month, use class method with function parameters instead of class variables)
Ability to save total wage for each company (you can create empWageBuilder for each company, use instance variable instead of function parameters)
Ability to manage employee wage of multiple companies (Refactor to have one empWageBuilderto manage for wage for multiple companies, create companyWageBuilder has array of many CompanyEmpWage Object)