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Thème Wordpress pour le site d'APLICAEN base sur Foundation. Ce thème est basé sur FoundationPress et propose quelques pages templates basées sur AdvancedCustomField afin de répondre aux exigeances de design d'APLICAEN.


A brief explanation to the requriements (feel free to skip this if you're a pro):

Back in the days we wrote all styles in the style.css file. Then we realized that this could quickly create clutter and confusion, especially in larger projects. Foundation uses SASS (equivalent to LESS, used in Bootstrap). In short, SASS is a CSS pre-processor that allows you to write styles more effectively and tidy.

To compile SASS files into one style sheet, we use a tool called Grunt. In short, Grunt is a task runner that automates repetitive tasks like minification, compilation, linting, etc. Grunt and Grunt plugins are installed and managed via npm, the Node.js package manager. Before setting up Grunt ensure that your npm is up-to-date by running npm update -g npm (this might require sudo on certain systems)

Bower is a package manager used by Zurb to distribute Foundation. When you have Bower installed, you will be able to run foundation update in the terminal to update Foundation to the latest version. (After an upgrade you must run grunt to recompile files).

Okay, so you'll need to have the following items installed before continuing.

  • Node.js: Use the installer provided on the NodeJS website.
  • Grunt: Run [sudo] npm install -g grunt-cli
  • Bower: Run [sudo] npm install -g bower


cd my-wordpress-folder/wp-content/themes/
git clone
mv APLICAEN-WP-Theme your-theme-name
cd your-theme-name
npm install && bower install

Tip: If you get an error saying Permission denied (publickey) when cloning the repository, use the https protocol instead: git clone

While you're working on your project, run:


And you're set!

Check for Foundation Updates? Run: foundation update (this requires the foundation gem to be installed in order to work. Please see the docs for details.)

Stylesheet Folder Structure

  • style.css: Do not worry about this file. (For some reason) it's required by WordPress. All styling are handled in the Sass files described below

  • scss/app.scss: Sass imports for global config, foundation and site structure

  • scss/config/_variables.scss: Your custom variables

  • scss/config/_colors.scss: Your custom color scheme

  • scss/config/_settings.scss: Original Foundation 5 base settings

  • scss/site/_structure: Your custom site structure

  • css/app.css: All Sass files are minified and compiled to this file

Script Folder Strucutre

  • bower_components/: This is the source folder where all Foundation scripts are located. foundation update will check and update scripts in this folder
  • js/: jQuery, Modernizr and Foundation scripts are copied from bower_components/ to this directory, where they are minified and concatinated and enqueued in WordPress
  • Please note that you must run grunt in your terminal for the scripts to be copied. See Gruntfile.js for details


Thème Wordpress pour le site de la Junior APLICAEN







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