After a hard day of filming, the actors of the Rick and Morty series like to meet at the port bar closest space and relax drinking beer and remembering stories. But recently a strange virus has spread through the universe and the Council of Ricks has imposed a series of restrictions that only allows social gatherings of two people. For this reason, they have asked us to develop an app that the actors of the series can download on their phones and allow them to find the most compatible beer buddy. To obtain all the necessary data, the public API will be used: The Rick and Morty API
show a list with all the characters of the series, showing for each of them the following information:
- Image
- Name
- Specie & Type
- Architecture
- Modularize
- Detekt
- Character List
- Character Detail
- Filtered
- SearchBar
- Database
- UnitTest
- Detail Screen
./gradlew detekt
you can show the reports on app/build/reports/detekt