-Improved the SH derivates storage using 2-d indexes to store 3-d spherical harmonics (see SHCilmToCindex in SHTOOLs). As a result:
The array size goes from (2, lmax+1,lmax+1) to (2, (lmax + 1) * (lmax + 2) / 2), which largely decreases the size of the stored derivates (factor 2).
-The speed of the strain calculations increases by a factor 2 in Displacement_strains.
-Added a parameter to correct for lateral density variations within reliefs for the net load q_lm.
-Added an optional argument "iterate". If false, it will force the model to not apply any corrections (corrections can happen when drhom_lm != 0 even if nmax = 1).
-Added further check to compute degree-1 geoid and displacement depending on the input equation.
-Added further check to compute internal density variations depending on the input top_drho & base_drho (crust, mantle).
-Updated description & examples in the jupyter notebook
-removed all filtering from the function. All filtering is now performed in Thin_shell_matrix.
-Corrected some inconsistency in defining flexural parameters when Te = 0.
-Correction to filtering, which should only apply to the isostatic bottom loads (dc_lm & drhom_lm). It was previously applied to the moho relief (= w_lm - dc_lm) in the G_lm equation.