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Abp.vNext8.2 + EF Core8.0 The microservices Open source framework project supports the implementation of message push workflow certification centers based on OAuth2.0


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ABP + EF Core Microservices open source framework

⭐ Support workflow and message push ⭐

💬 QQ group: 240647629

🚀 Quick experience

Experience address
Note: Because the server memory is very small, the workflow and message notification function services are not started at present. If there is a jam, the server is dead. Please contact the author from the server or you can contact the author donation server

🥇 Feature list (continuously updated)

  • User management
  • Role management
  • Menu management
  • Department management
  • Entry log
  • Operation log
  • System bulletin
  • File upload
  • Scheduled task
  • Message push
  • Workflow
  • File fragment upload
  • Data rights module

Core technology

Rear end C# Asp.Net Core

  • Dynamic API:ABP
  • ORM: EF Core
  • Authentication and authorization:OpenIddict
  • Workflow:workflow-core
  • Log:Serilog
  • Module:ABP
  • Dependency injection:Autofac
  • Object mapping:AutoMapper
  • Unitofwork:ABP
  • Multi tenant:ABP
  • Local cache:ABP
  • Distributed cache:Redis
  • Event bus:ABP
  • Microservice:ABP
  • Message notification:SignalR

Front end Vue 3

  • Component library:element-plus
  • Route:vue-router
  • Store:pinia
  • pack:vite
  • Asynchronous request:axios
  • Chart:echarts
  • Workflow:jsplumb
  • Drag:vuedraggable
  • Custom form:vue + element-plus

Project structure

# Install abp cli 
dotnet tool install -g Volo.Abp.Cli
# Update abp cli
dotnet tool update -g Volo.Abp.Cli
# Create project	
abp new Panda.Net -u none --separate-auth-server -dbms mysql -d ef

Panda.Net.AuthServer Authorization server


Reference document:


Start command

dotnet Panda.Net.AuthServer.dll --urls https://localhost:44365
  • Resource owner password credentials
  • Authorization code
  • Client credentials
  • Device authorization code(Can be used for App scan code login)
  • Implicit( OAuth2.1 Deprecated no longer implemented)
    • Added postman test json, placed in src/Panda.Net.AuthServer/postman/postman_collection.json
    • As shown in the figure

Panda.Net.HttpApi.Host Service center


Reference document:

Abp extends the User table

Start command

dotnet Panda.Net.HttpApi.Host.dll --urls https://localhost:44368

Panda.Workflow.HttpApi.Host Workflow

Start command

dotnet Panda.Workflow.HttpApi.Host.dll --urls https://localhost:44598


Database restore

# install dotnet ef cli
dotnet tool install --global dotnet-ef
# update dotnet ef cli
dotnet tool update --global dotnet-ef
# migration
dotnet ef migrations add init -c NetDbContext
# database update
dotnet ef database update -c NetDbContext
# migration scripts (for building environments)
dotnet ef migrations script --verbose -i --project "Item absolute path" -c NetDbContext -o "Script absolute path"
# Generate a script for an iteration update, the difference script from this iteration 20240329102615_file1 to 20240408082719_announcement
dotnet ef migrations script --verbose -i --project "./" -c NetDbContext -o "./2.sql"  20240329102615_file1 20240408082719_announcement

Script restore

#Script restore
New database panda
Execute script src/Panda.Net.EntityFrameworkCore/panda.sql 

📢 Versions

  • v1.0 Rights management + menu management + department management + login log + operation log + system announcement + file upload + Scheduled task + message push + Workflow + file fragment upload + approval flow module
  • v1.1 Add a data permission module
  • v2.0 vue3 + role + data permission
  • v2.1 Fix file upload memory leak


Abp.vNext8.2 + EF Core8.0 The microservices Open source framework project supports the implementation of message push workflow certification centers based on OAuth2.0








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