This contains alot of refactored or improved scripts, anything that is not mine is referenced Any refactored stuff or the idea to add to should have a a reference. If not please message me so I can attribute.
Find or make percentage script to show how much this is NOT my work! correctFileEnc.sh Not working! -> change to find fileencoding aswell
Inspired by PayloadAllTheThings, a place for all those cool scripts I have found or made that have come in use. An archive to store everything and pay tribute to those that have helped me in solving problems, taught me to code and hack.
Every piece of code that was not written by me, - still figuring out github - the person or group gets a followed and starred.
There are one(-ish*)-liners and concept files per language. I trying to refactor for each language as and when I need to, therefore if am not using it I am not refactoring to it or writing from scratch or finding scripts. I separated one-liner out from my own cheatsheets for the purpose of archiving and more importantly finding, remembering and using them more
bash/sshspy.sh:# From: https://www.infosecmatter.com/ssh-sniffing-ssh-spying-methods-and-defense/
bash/manageKRB5Conf.sh:function removeFromKRB5Conf ()
bash/manageKRB5Conf.sh: remove) removeFromKRB5Conf $2 $3 $4 $5 ;;
python3/8L4ckH47-Python-Book/screenshotter.py: img_dc = win32ui.CreateDCFromHandle(desktop_dc)
python3/8L4ckH47-Python-Book/email_exfil.py: message = f'Subject: {subject}\nFrom {smtp_acct}\n'
Cplusplus/hollowing-injector.cpp:// From https://tryhackme.com/room/abusingwindowsinternals
Cplusplus/DLL-Injection/dll-injector.c:// From https://tryhackme.com/room/abusingwindowsinternals
Cplusplus/DLL-Injection/dllmain.cpp:// From https://tryhackme.com/room/abusingwindowsinternals
Cplusplus/thread-injector.cpp:// From https://tryhackme.com/room/abusingwindowsinternals
PowerShell/AD-DCOM-HTA.ps1: $com = [activator]::CreateInstance([type]::GetTypeFromProgId("$applicationName.Application", "$IP"))
PowerShell/AD-DCOM-HTA.ps1:$com = [activator]::CreateInstance([type]::GetTypeFromProgId($Application, $IP))
PowerShell/Spray-Passwords.ps1: $then = [DateTime]::FromFileTime($badpwdtime)
PowerShell/StartupPersistenceScript.ps1:# From https://tryhackme.com/r/room/windowsuseraccountforensics
Csharp/Encryptor.cs:// From https://tryhackme.com/room/avevasionshellcode
Csharp/keylogger.cs://From https://tryhackme.com/room/windowsapi
Csharp/shellcode-launcher.cs:// From https://tryhackme.com/room/windowsapi
bash/vpn-down.sh:# Author: BHIS - Michael Allen bash/Curlculator.sh:# Author 7ru7h bash/manageKRB5Conf.sh:# Author: 7ru7h python3/angr-binaryAnalysis.py:# Author XCT from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UnZj5zzcBG4 PowerShell/Spray-Passwords.ps1: Authored by : Jakob H. Heidelberg / @JakobHeidelberg / www.improsec.com Csharp/Stager.cs:// Original Author: @mvelazc0