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Korpus, a Softronic and KTH Royal Institute of Technology project

A corpus (words, synonyms, linguistics) RESTful API



  • Node.js
  • npm

Tech stack:

  • TypeScript
  • Express
  • TypeORM

How to use:

  • Ctrl+Shift+B -> Build backend (or run npx tsc command in backend directory)
  • Ctrl+Shift+B -> Watch build backend to run a watcher to build when changes are made

API authentication with JSON Web Tokens (JWT)


Tech stack:

  • Angular
  • TypeScript
  • axios

Adding features

  • Make a new branch for the feature
  • Push code to the branch
  • Add needed tests
  • Make a pull request when completed

API Documentation


Route Request body Response body Description
GET /phrases text: string - the phrase text
id: integer - the ID of the phrase
synonym: Synonym[] - an array of synonyms
Gets all the existing phrases
GET /phrases/:phraseid text: string - the phrase text
id: integer - ID of the phrase
Gets one specific phrase
POST /phrases text: string - the text for the new phrase text: string - the text of the phrase
id: integer - the ID of the phrase
Adds one phrase
PUT /phrases phraseid: number - ID of specified phrase
text: string - new text for the to-be changed phrase
json: status - 200 ok response Changes the text of the synonym
DELETE /phrases ids: number[] - IDs of phrases deleted: number[] - array of IDs for the deleted phrases Deletion of one or more phrases through IDs


Route Request body Response body Description
GET /synonyms id: integer - ID of the synonym
phrase: Phrase - object of the phrase
meaning: Phrase - object of the phrase set as meaning
group: Group - object of the group
Gets all the existing synonyms
GET /synonyms/:id id: integer - ID of the synonym
phrase: Phrase - object of the phrase
meaning: Phrase - object of the phrase set as meaning
group: Group - object of the group
Gets one specific synonym
POST /synonyms phrase: integer - ID of phrase
meaning: integer - ID for the meaning of the phrase
group(optional): integer - ID for the suitable customer group
id: integer - ID of the synonym
phrase: Phrase - object of the phrase
meaning: Phrase - object of the phrase set as meaning
group: Group - object of the group
Adds a synonym
PUT /synonyms/:id phrase: integer - ID of phrase
meaning: integer - ID for the new meaning
group(optional): integer - ID for the new/old group
id: integer - the ID of the synonym
phrase: integer - ID of phrase
meaning: integer - ID for the new meaning
group: integer - ID for the new/old group
Changes the meaning and optionally the group of the synonym
DELETE /synonyms ids: number[] - IDs of synonyms deleted: number[] - array of IDs for the deleted synonyms Deletion of one or more synonyms through IDs


Route Request body Response body Description
GET /groups name: string - name of the group
id: integer - ID of the group
Gets all existing customer groups
GET /groups/:id name: string - name of the specified group
id: integer - ID of the specified group
Gets one specific customer group out of all existing groups
POST /groups name: string - the name for the new group name: string - the name of the group
id: integer - the id of the group
Adds a customer group
PUT /groups/:id name: string - new name for the group json: status - 200 ok response Change the name of a customer group
DELETE /groups ids: number[] - IDs of groups to be deleted deleted: number[] - array for the deleted group IDs Deletion of one or more customer groups through IDs


Route Request body Response body Description
POST /translations text: string - text to translate
groups: number[] - groups to find synonyms by (max 1)
translation: string - translated text Translates a piece of text based on synonyms
Grouped synonyms are prioritized over global synonyms


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