Library to interact with Kripo fragment, fingerprint and similarity data files.
KRIPO stands for Key Representation of Interaction in POckets, see reference for more information.
- Similarities
- Histogram can output raw scores
- Histogram can read frozen matrices using either lower or upper triangle
- Export can be filtered by frag1 and/or pdb codes
- Filter can be filtered by skip list or keep db
- Use scripts in update steps
- Pharmacophores
- Store pharmocophore points in pytables table (#29)
- Export pharmacophore points in *.phar format
- Sub command to add points to table from a directory
- Sub command to filter the pharmacophores points based on a fragments database
- Sub command and webservice endpoint to fetch the pharmacophore points of a single fragment identifier (#30)
- Canned method to fetch pharmacophores of a list fragment identifiers
- Dive
- Tag pdb in file by filename
- Scripts to run it
- Connexion internal change broke web service server