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Releases: 2sic/2sxc

2sxc 18 with loads of new stuff ;)

12 Jul 08:22
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  1. 🩸 Runs on Oqtane 5.1.2 with Static Server Rendering 💪🏼
  2. 🖼️ Image Service: Ability to specify lightbox on images through image configuration
  3. 🖼️ Image Service: Ability to specify resize-settings (eg. Square) per image through configuration
  4. 🖼️ Image Service: Ability to specify resize/lightbox defaults on the content-type field!
  5. 📝 WYSIWYG: Ability to configure image resize and lightbox for all images in API, on every image and on the field!
  6. 🔬 Typed API now supports a Get(...) method which you can use to retrieve values in other languages
  7. 🔍 Insights: many, many improvements incl. better display of load-time progress, memory use and more
  8. ⚡ LightSpeed: ability to configure per view and improved selection of url parameters which affect the cache
  9. 📝 WYSIWYG Rich mode: New image sizes 1/6th and 1/8th
  10. ⚙️ New Template Service released, and optimized to clean any html, to prevent XSS
  11. ⚡ Lots of performance improvements on the server for typed 🔬 code and also in the Edit UI making initial load faster


  1. In sub-views (list-details where the details was shown because of a URL parameter) the toolbar disables change-view
  2. DataSource Parents and Children now properly filter out draft parents/children if the user is not allowed to see it #3438
  3. 🔛 turnOn updated to v0.3.0 with new args parameter to easily call existing JS libraries
  4. 🔳 Toobar buttons - Tweak now has a Condition(true/false) and Condition(fn) to make buttons conditional eg. for certain user groups only.
  5. ✏️ Major rework on all dropdowns, so that the picker system is almost done ;)


  1. Visual Query improved to slant labels if there were too many
  2. Toolbar positioning CSS improved using flex
  3. Bug: older Apps had a problem loading fancybox JS #3424
  4. 🔬 Bug: Sub-Items toolbars didn't work in typed mode, affected Slider App #3437
  5. 🔍 Insights show what's in the cache and memory use (estimates)
  6. 🏷️ Metadata: provide recommendations for Entity-Attributes, needed for the Image-Per-Field-Configuration #3430


  1. 🔒 Updated System.Text.Json to 8.0.4 as it contains a security issue. The issue didn't affect 2sxc, but the warnings did ;)
  2. 🔍 Refactor internal system to use provider model
  3. Make the MyUser / CmsContext.User objects serializable for use in JSON
  4. ✏️ Update Edit UI / Admin UI to Angular 17.03
  5. ✏️ Massively refactor Edit/Admin UIs to use signals instead of observables and transient services for robustness
  6. ✏️ Refactor Admin UIs to simplify Ag-Grid table and column definitions
  7. ✏️ Refactor language handling in Edit/Admin UI

2sxc 17.10 with minor enhancements

07 Jun 05:26
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  1. DNN: Improve Razor Compiler speed / caching #3408
  2. LightSpeed: Enable params-configuration and View #3401 and improve handling of url parameters #3398 #3395
  3. Internal: improve data being sent back and forth between edit-ui and server #3403
  4. Caching: Improve architecture of app-change notification #3407 and other change-notifications #3406
  5. Toolbar: Toolbar.Prefill should also handle arrays of strings and guids #3404
  6. Formulas: Improve indicator that formulas should be edited in the front-end ;)


  1. In random scenarios IServiceProvider is disposed #3387
  2. When adding a new module requiring an entity (but without demo-item), the add button is missing #3354
  3. Admin UI: Metadata list doesn't refresh after making changes #3400
  4. Import Shared-App (Patron feature) fails #3409
  5. Prefill on entity fields failed in multi-language scenarios #3405

2sxc 17.09 LTS - new Services and Security Patch

22 May 09:22
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  1. LTS Release - Long Term Stable
  2. Security patch for something we cannot disclose
  3. New ICacheService Kit.Cache (beta) #3390
  4. Improve ITemplateService Kit.Template (beta) #3373


  1. In certain scenarios after making content-type changes the page would throw IServiceProvider already disposed errors #3387

17.08 with new APIs, Features, Bugfixes

16 May 19:05
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  1. New ITemplateService on Kit.Template to easily replace tokens like [User:Id] or [Product:Title] in strings etc. #3373
  2. Ability to switch editions for Super-User in the layout-toolbar button, allowing the super-user to see other editions #3384
  3. Ability to give other users (eg. Admins) the possibility to switch editions - eg. to preview a release #3384 #3386
  4. lots of new tutorials on


  1. MyContext.Block.Guid added #3379
  2. MyContext.Module.Block added #3378
  3. MyModel.Gps("name") added #3383
  4. Updated ImageFlow to latest version (Image Resizer) #3382
  5. Kit.SecureData now has HashSha256(...) and HasSha512(...) methods
  6. Toobar tweak for Data-dialog with filter now supports int-arrays #3376
  7. Show System queries in dropdown, eg. System.Users #3033
  8. help-error when Razor inherits from a file which is not based on real Razor classes
  9. Feature to show toolbars to everyone - eg. for info-toolbars

Bug Fixes

  1. Oqtane partial razor had trouble with AppCode #3370
  2. In various random edge-cases (typically involving ghost content-types) there was an IServiceProvider disposed exception #3387
  3. ValueSort DataSource would return nothing if it had not been configured #3375
  4. Oqtane: null-exception when adding new modules #3369
  5. Compatibility on an old GetContentItem API was temporarily broken #3371
  6. Oqtane bug in LightSpeed cache
  7. Dnn: Improve CodeDom missing messages

Internal Reworks / Refactoring

  1. Make ILookUpEngine functional #3372
  2. Polymorphism now uses better architecture #3385
  3. Improve internal CacheService
  4. Create internal AppJsonService for the app configuration

2sxc 17.07

01 May 14:54
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  1. Razor API Link.Image(..., "SettingsName") can now use settings names #3357
  2. Razor API GetStack(...) now fully implements ITypedItem where possible #3359
  3. Razor API GetStack<T>(...) introduced #3361
  4. AppCode can now contain all Api Controllers precompiled using HotBuild and show them in the UI #3360
  5. UI: Picker-String can now use Value/Title as placeholders in info etc.
  6. Toolbar: Hover-Toolbar on Layout button now shows information about query/streams #3366
  7. Toolbar: Toolbar-buttons with delayed notes now have a small indicator #3367
  8. UI: Picker/Dropdowns performance enhancements
  9. UI: Picker/Dropdowns show indicator if search return no results

Important Bugfixes

  • Draft items not always shown to Admin #3351
  • edit-ui picker shows strange label after creating new items #3352
  • new module without demo-data is missing edit buttons #3354
  • Link.Image(AllSettings...) didn't work properly #3356

Other Bugfixes / minor features

  • ITypedItem.Img(...) (a new api) incorrectly had too many required parameters #3358
  • Renaming a content-type had a regex which failed in newer browsers #3365
  • UI: Picker sometimes used "x" and sometimes "(-)" to indicate remove, standardized on "(-)"
  • internal code to manage app.json config file now caches it intensively
  • feature to enable "always use Roslyn for Razor" implemented (configurable in app.json)

2sxc 17.06.03 LTS

05 Apr 13:50
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Minor bugfix related to custom data sources #3348

2sxc 17.06.02 LTS

04 Apr 19:43
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Just very minor enhancements in regards to new APIs.

Mainly widen the objects you can use with the new As<CustomType>(...) API.

2sxc 17.06.01 LTS

03 Apr 11:04
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Follow up LTS with minor bug fixes

  1. LightSpeed Cache improvements #3342
  2. Bug in Item Picker #3339
  3. AppCode GetService with Type Name #3344
  4. Custom AppCode Api Controllers went stale after cache expiry #3341
  5. Caching AppCode Razor issues with multiple copies of the same DLL #3340
  6. Minor: ensure IDataStream implement ICanBeEntity

2sxc 17.06 LTS

28 Mar 08:16
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The first LTS (Long-Term-Stable) Release of 2sxc 17.

compared to the previous version it mainly has some bugfixes such as:

  • When accessing an App through another app (eg first going to Apps-Management) it show the data of the original app
  • Opening features in Apps-Management didn't work reliably
  • Edit-UI Picker / Dropdown code was cleaned up
  • Copilot Razor Generator ready to use
  • Copilot Service generator ready to use
  • Copilot WebApi generator ready to use
  • Copilot previously failed if the AppCode folder was missing
  • Fix to a data-caching issue in 17.05 (this was important)

17.05 - almost LTS

25 Mar 07:55
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We believe this is stable, but ask the community to do in-depth testing so we can release an LTS


  1. Improved Code-Generator to be in a standalone DLL ToSic.Sxc.Code.Generate
  2. Improved Code-Generator to generate Razor, Code and WebApi base classes


  1. Impove image-resize tooltip #3329
  2. $2sxc JS used in modules which are rendered into Dnn themes #3333
  3. Improve logging of parameters of DataSources (eg. Value-Filter DS)
  4. Prepare for Oqtane 5 SSR
  5. Improve architecture for generating App-objects in the background

Bugs fixed

  1. various admin and replace-operations on inner-content #3299
  2. fix quickE when selecting content-blocks #3317
  3. Token templates - fix some toolbars #3328
  4. Fix issue with Oqtane urls
  5. Fix issue with Oqtane WebApis which affected Blog RSS feed