Organize and Test
- Update package.json da388bf
- Merge pull request #102 from 201flaviosilva-labs/96-test-all-function-and-the-code 1917a4d
- build 4bda3e4
- fix: choiceTrend function and testing 855478c
- organize folders to monorepo #98 c8be1af
- Merge branch 'main' into 96-test-all-function-and-the-code ce1b92c
- test: Vector 2 #96 34f2aca
- add: negative function 7c08c87
- test: Fibonacci #96 36666f5
- fix and test: Vector 2 #96 9049560
- test: BinarySearchTree and fix BinarySearchTree #96 ddbdf49
- Merge pull request #101 from 201flaviosilva-labs/98-run-library-in-nodejs 5b67e16
- wiki: update wiki for node build be9142c
- fix: build to node #98 d3a387a
- Create choiceTrend.js 8518de5
- Organize files b4fdaba
- test: randomColor, randomString, randomWalk, reverseString #96 23b44da
- organize files d71d601
- test: logicalOperators #96 b2a15d9
- test: clone, compare2Objects, decimal2Binary and isTruthyFalsy #96 and organize functions 00440d4
- Create Test.yml d4b1b1f
- test: allCharactersSame, binary2Decimal, getVersion, and isObjectEmpty #96 54829f2
- fix: jest setup d15446d
- setup: tests #96 5b8a235
- Update CHANGELOG.md 73aa771