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Compiles colors.asm!
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0rphee committed Jul 16, 2024
1 parent 7f9f0e1 commit 251e704
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Showing 4 changed files with 136 additions and 59 deletions.
24 changes: 4 additions & 20 deletions app/Main.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,38 +1,22 @@
module Main (main) where

import Bin
import CmdOptions (Options (..), runCmdOptions)
import Data.Text (Text)
import Data.Text qualified as T
import Data.Text.IO qualified as T
import Expr qualified
import Path
import Bin

main :: IO ()
main = do
(Options sourceCodeFile) <- runCmdOptions
putStrLn $ "FILEPATH: " <> sourceCodeFile
(Options sourceCodePath) <- runCmdOptions
putStrLn $ "FILEPATH: " <> sourceCodePath
assemblyCode <- T.readFile "asm/colors.asm"
-- let assemblyCode =
-- T.unlines
-- [ "start: MOV AX, 1234 ; commment ;; coomeeeent"
-- , "; comment SUB CX, DX"
-- , "SUB AX, DX"
-- , -- ]
-- -- [
-- "ORG 100h"
-- , "MOV AL, 00000111b ; AL = 7"
-- , "OR AL, 0 ; just set flags."
-- , "JNS label1"
-- , -- , "PRINT 'signed.'"
-- "JMP exit"
-- ]

T.putStrLn assemblyCode
T.putStrLn $ T.replicate 10 "-"
mayStatements <- Expr.mainLocal assemblyCode
case mayStatements of
Nothing -> T.putStrLn "No results to be written"
Just statements -> do
writeBin statements

writeBin sourceCodePath statements
5 changes: 5 additions & 0 deletions asmh.cabal
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -58,9 +58,12 @@ library

executable asmh
Expand All @@ -81,10 +84,12 @@ executable asmh

-- opt-env-conf,
test-suite asmh-test
Expand Down
150 changes: 122 additions & 28 deletions src/Bin.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,39 +1,133 @@
module Bin where
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedRecordDot #-}

module Bin (writeBin) where

import Data.ByteString (ByteString)
import Data.ByteString qualified as B
import Data.Map (Map)
import Data.Map qualified as M
import Data.Serialize.Put
import Data.Text (Text)
import Data.Text qualified as T
import Data.Text.IO qualified as T
import Data.Vector (Vector)
import Data.Vector qualified as V
import Data.Word
import Debug.Trace
import Expr
import System.FilePath

type Location = Int

data ProgramInfo
= ProgramInfo
{ directives :: Vector Directive
, labels :: Map Label Location
, instructions :: Vector Instruction
deriving (Eq, Show)

getInstOffset :: Instruction -> Int
getInstOffset = \case
MOV (RegOp AX) (ImmOp _ew) -> 3
MOV (RegOp BX) (ImmOp _ew) -> 3
MOV (RegOp CX) (ImmOp _ew) -> 3
MOV (RegOp AH) (ImmOp _ew) -> 2
MOV (RegOp AL) (ImmOp _ew) -> 2
MOV (RegOp BH) (ImmOp _ew) -> 2
MOV (RegOp BL) (ImmOp _ew) -> 2
MOV (RegOp DH) (ImmOp _ew) -> 2
MOV (RegOp DL) (ImmOp _ew) -> 2
INT _word -> 2
JMP _label -> 2
JE _label -> 2
INC (RegOp _) -> 2
CMP (RegOp DH) (ImmOp _ew) -> 3
CMP (RegOp DL) (ImmOp _ew) -> 3
RET -> 1
x -> error $ "Instruction unimplemented: " <> show x

trans :: Map Label Location -> Location -> Instruction -> Put
trans labelMap instrLoc = \case
MOV (RegOp AX) (ImmOp ew) -> putWord8 0xb8 >> treatAsW16 ew
MOV (RegOp BX) (ImmOp ew) -> putWord8 0xbb >> treatAsW16 ew
MOV (RegOp CX) (ImmOp ew) -> putWord8 0xb9 >> treatAsW16 ew
-- MOV (RegOp DX) (ImmOp ew) -> putWord8 >> putEitherW ew
MOV (RegOp AH) (ImmOp ew) -> putWord8 0xb4 >> putAsW8 ew
MOV (RegOp AL) (ImmOp ew) -> putWord8 0xb0 >> putAsW8 ew
MOV (RegOp BH) (ImmOp ew) -> putWord8 0xb7 >> putAsW8 ew
MOV (RegOp BL) (ImmOp ew) -> putWord8 0xb3 >> putAsW8 ew
MOV (RegOp DH) (ImmOp ew) -> putWord8 0xb6 >> putAsW8 ew
MOV (RegOp DL) (ImmOp ew) -> putWord8 0xb2 >> putAsW8 ew
-- ADD operand1 operand2 -> undefined
-- SUB operand1 operand2 -> undefined
-- OR operand1 operand2 -> undefined
INT word -> putWord8 0xcd >> putWord8 word
JMP label ->
putWord8 0xeb
>> putWord8 (getOffset (checkLabel label) instrLoc)
JE label ->
putWord8 0x74
>> putWord8 (getOffset (checkLabel label) instrLoc)
-- JNS label -> undefined
INC (RegOp DH) -> putWord8 0xfe >> putWord8 0xc6
INC (RegOp BL) -> putWord8 0xfe >> putWord8 0xc3
INC (RegOp DL) -> putWord8 0xfe >> putWord8 0xc2
CMP (RegOp DH) (ImmOp ew) -> putWord8 0x80 >> putWord8 0xfe >> putAsW8 ew
CMP (RegOp DL) (ImmOp ew) -> putWord8 0x80 >> putWord8 0xfa >> putAsW8 ew
RET -> putWord8 0xc3
x -> error $ "Instruction unimplemented: " <> show x
getOffset :: Location -> Location -> Word8
getOffset locationOfLabelDeclaration locationOfCurrJumpInstr =
fromIntegral $
locationOfLabelDeclaration - locationOfCurrJumpInstr

checkLabel :: Label -> Location
checkLabel label = case M.lookup label labelMap of
Nothing -> error $ concat ["Label '", T.unpack label, "' not found'"]
Just v -> v
{-# INLINE putEitherW #-}
putEitherW :: Either Word8 Word16 -> Put
putEitherW = \case
Left w -> putWord8 w
Right w -> putWord16le w

putAsW8 :: Either Word8 Word16 -> Put =
putWord8 . either id fromIntegral
treatAsW16 :: Either Word8 Word16 -> Put =
putWord16le . either fromIntegral id

firstPass :: [Statement] -> ProgramInfo
firstPass ls = traceShowId $ go ls 0 (ProgramInfo mempty mempty mempty)
go :: [Statement] -> Int -> ProgramInfo -> ProgramInfo
go [] offset accum = accum
go (x : xs) offset acc = case x of
Ins newInstr ->
let newOffset = offset + getInstOffset newInstr
in go xs newOffset $ acc {instructions = V.snoc acc.instructions newInstr}
Dir newDir -> go xs offset $ acc {directives = V.snoc acc.directives newDir}
Lab newLabel ->
case xs of
(Ins _ : _) ->
let newInstrPos = offset
in go xs offset $ acc {labels = M.insert newLabel newInstrPos acc.labels}
_ -> error "there must be a label after an instruction"

-- serialize :: [Statement] -> ByteString
-- serialize =

trans :: Instruction -> Put
trans = \case
MOV (RegOp AX) (ImmOp (Right w16)) -> do
putWord8 0xb8 >> putWord16le w16
ADD operand1 operand2 -> undefined
SUB operand1 operand2 -> undefined
OR operand1 operand2 -> undefined
INT word -> undefined
JNS label -> undefined
JMP label -> undefined
INC operand -> undefined
CMP operand1 operand2 -> undefined
JE label -> undefined

writeBin :: [Statement] -> IO ()
writeBin instr = do
B.writeFile "" test
T.putStrLn "Output written to"
secondPass :: ProgramInfo -> ByteString
secondPass = runPut . go 0
-- bs = undefined
bs = undefined
go offset p = case V.uncons p.instructions of
Just (nextInstruction, rest) -> do
let nextInstructionIndex = offset + getInstOffset nextInstruction
trans p.labels nextInstructionIndex nextInstruction
go nextInstructionIndex (p {instructions = rest})
Nothing -> pure ()

test =
runPut $
trans $
MOV (RegOp AX) (ImmOp (Right 3))
writeBin :: FilePath -> [Statement] -> IO ()
writeBin originalFileName instr = do
let newFileName = takeBaseName originalFileName <> ".com"
let binaryFile = secondPass $ firstPass instr
B.writeFile newFileName binaryFile
T.putStrLn $ "Output written to " <> T.pack newFileName
16 changes: 5 additions & 11 deletions src/Expr.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -18,11 +18,6 @@ import Prelude hiding (take)

type Parser = Parsec Void Text

data ProgramInfo = ProgramInfo
{ directives :: [Directive]
, instructions :: [(String, Instruction)]

data Register
= -- | (16 bit) the accumulator register (divided into AH / AL).
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -86,14 +81,14 @@ data Instruction
| INC Operand
| CMP Operand Operand
| JE Label
deriving (Show, Eq)

data Directive
= ORG Word16
| DB (Either (Text, [Word8]) [Word8])
| NAME Text
deriving (Show, Eq)

-- Parser for registers
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -241,6 +236,7 @@ parseInstruction =
, INC <$> (L.symbol' hspace1 "inc" *> parseOperand)
, binaryP CMP "cmp"
, JE <$> (L.symbol' hspace1 "je" *> parseVarOrLabelName)
, RET <$ L.symbol' hspace "ret"
binaryP constr txt =
Expand All @@ -256,7 +252,6 @@ parseDirective =
<$> ( L.symbol' hspace1 "name" *> between "\"" "\"" (takeWhileP Nothing isAlphaNum)
, RET <$ L.symbol' space1 "ret"
, parseDBdirective
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -307,11 +302,10 @@ parseAssembly =
mainLocal :: Text -> IO (Maybe [Statement])
mainLocal assemblyCode = do
case parseAssembly assemblyCode of
-- case parseOnly parseLine assemblyCode of
Left err -> do
putStrLn "Error: "
putStrLn $ errorBundlePretty err
pure Nothing
Right instructions -> do
traverse_ print instructions
pure $ Just instructions
Right statements -> do
traverse_ print statements
pure $ Just statements

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