Releases: 0P3N50URC3-F0R3V3R/blackbeard
BlackBeard V0.8.0 - RC1 BETA
This is a Relase Candidate 1 - BETA THIS WILL BE Further developed in few weeks.
Not final version.(Some not so significant features are not working) But useable with the maximal highest supported client version 1.37.81454.0 And older versions.
(NOT ALL older version, but in theory it will work almost every single one with DeepDives in it... but it needs testing what is working what isnt so i wont promise anything) Perhaps it will work later bersions but GhostShip are norotiously changing event names and removing parts of the source so, nothing guaranteed.
release with XAMPP and all required files for the 2023 Version DRG. Yes we skipped few versions and there is a reason for it. it was a very long time ago the latest i did updated this, so... i redesigned a few things, and added few new ones.
It is compatible with older clients too. So if some events are not working - since it was removed from the game like older Christmas events - you might want to download from team th3e older versions from manifest files to make them work. All event has a Date - almost all of them - so oyu can pinpoint in the manifest repo in steamCMD and SteamAPPID db online. Also there is an XLS list thanks for Ravest95.
This is a RC1 beta release. This means it has 2-3 features that is not working. (like message balloons, and the prequisite checks at program start) but it will be finished soon.
The program will NOT work IF:
- Your windows defender protects hosts file in win10-11(Add to whitelisth or IDK, or edit it manually)
- You are not running the program with Administrator privileges..(Roght Click run as administrator or use System/Administrator Account on machine)
- This exe wont work with with 32Bit systems. If you want 32 Bit you need to compile it yourself. (it is not hard, but i wont bother with it.)
New Features:
- Official DeepDives to replay original ones from older games.
- Fixed and listed all past main events. Likeall Xmas and Halloween ect from 2021 to 2023. You might need older clients for some events.
- New Icon
- New UI. -Soooortof...
Blackbeard V0.4.1 hotfix - update only
This version contains the 2021 Christmas event update for U35 P5 client.
**USAGE: Overwrite the files from this relase in the OLDER V04 XAMPP Pack files!
Or your own installation, overwrite the old blackbeard.exe **
Blackbeard V0.4 Compiled version and repacks
The compiled v0.4 version of blackbeard event emulator