- M-01 : Installing
- M-02 : Mastering Containers
- M-03 : Data Volumes and Configuration
- M-04 : Networking
- M-05 : Supercharge Automation
- M-06 : Advanced Docker Usage Scenarios
- M-07 : Distributed Application Architecture
- M-08 : Docker Compose
- M-10 : Orchestrators
- M-11 : Kubernets
- M-12 : Deploying, Updating, and Securing an Application with Kubernetes
- M-13 : Monitoring and Troubleshooting an App Running in Production
- M-14 : Running a Containerized App in the Cloud
For this chapter, you will need a laptop or a workstation with either macOS or Windows, preferably Windows 10 Professional, installed. You should also have free internet access to download applications and permission to install those applications on your laptop.
It is also possible to follow along with this documentation if you have a Linux distribution as your operating system, such as Ubuntu 18.04 or newer. I will try to indicate where commands and samples differ significantly from the ones on macOS or Windows.
- Chocolatey - The Package Manager for Windows at https://chocolatey.org/
- Install Docker Toolbox on Windows: https://dockr.ly/2nuZUkU
- Run Docker on Hyper-V with Docker Machine at http://bit.ly/2HGMPiI
- Developing inside a Container at https://code.visualstudio.com/docs/remote/containers
- Docker Get Started: https://docs.docker.com/get-started/