This bundle provides for "inline" label and group name translation for all dynamic fields.
- If a label text is not provided, the field name will be used (like normal text fields).
- If a group name is not provided, the field is placed in the 'Default' group.
- Any configured language/locale will be shown in the dynamic field creation.
In your app, you must enable label and group name translation. Create a config file:
# config/packages/zikula_dynamic_form_property.yaml
translate: true
note: translate
applies to both labels and group names.
You must indicate which locales you will support via an event subscriber. Create an event subscriber class:
namespace App\EventSubscriber;
use Symfony\Component\EventDispatcher\EventSubscriberInterface;
use Zikula\Bundle\DynamicFormBundle\Event\SupportedLocalesEvent;
class SupportedLocaleSubscriber implements EventSubscriberInterface
public static function getSubscribedEvents()
return [
SupportedLocalesEvent::class => 'addSupportedLocales'
public function addSupportedLocales(SupportedLocalesEvent $event)
$supportedLocales = $event->getSupportedLocales(); // [0 => 'default']
$supportedLocales = array_merge($supportedLocales, ['de', 'es', 'fr_FR', 'fr_BE']);
If you are not using the Symfony standard service definition defaults, you must tag the subscriber service definition
with kernel.event_subscriber