Full stack, fully-featured social media application using React, Firebase, Redux, Express, and Material-UI.
Implemented backend REST API server with Node.js and Express and cloud functions on Firebase
To log in: make any email you want and password longer than 4 characters
Working Sample Account: [email protected], 123456
- Make posts, like them and add comments
- user login, sign up, and authentication
- Customize your user profile
- Image uploads
- Notifications
- Original from Firebase: https://socialape-7d0b6.firebaseapp.com/
- Github pages: https://dch133.github.io/Social-Media-App/
Edit: Remote version of the app will probably stop working as dependencies get outdated. I don't actively support this app anymore. Feel free to suggest changes if you want.
To run this app:
run npm install
run npm start
go to http://localhost:3000